
/10th November 2015, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ After the introduction of support mechanisms in the energy law and RES law in 2009, 2010, 2012 followed by the subsequent amendments in 2013 and approved feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable energy in June 2014, Kazakhstan solar energy market is forecasted to grow in the next years.

After introducing support mechanisms in the energy law and RES law in 2009, 2010, 2012 followed by the subsequent amendments in 2013 and approved feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable energy in June 2014, Kazakhstan solar energy market is forecasted to grow in the next years.

Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev has suggested working out an effective system to manage the country’s oil reserves and reduce their role as a revenue generation source of the country. The Government has considered various scenarios of oil production by 2050. With a conservative scenario to produce less than 2 million barrels a day, Kazakhstan should maintain a stable oil production level and export petroleum products by 2050. Therefore such oil production rate would assure stable revenues for the National Oil Fund of Kazakhstan.

At the moment approximately 86.9 % of electricity in Kazakhstan is generated from coal power plants and approximately 12.9 % from large hydropower plants.

As one logical alternative to reduce the country's dependence on coal in electricity production, in Kazakhstan, it has announced investment intentions to put into operation by 2020 of over 700 MW (0.7 GW) solar PV projects. If you need a detailed list with announced solar PV projects in the country, including company names, projects sizes and other data, please do not hesitate to contact the research and analysis department of Renewable Market Watch at

The inevitable photovoltaic power expansion in Kazakhstan will probably create some challenges and risks. There will be grid connection constraints due to the ageing electricity grid network that will need more detailed and precise planning and management from the connection point of view.

More information about this up-and-coming solar and wind market you may read here: Kazakhstan Photovoltaic (Solar PV) Market Outlook 2015 - 2025

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