  • Asia Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2020 - 2030 - Trends, Investments, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact, Projections

    /29th May 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This is unique thorough and detailed market report, which offers an incisive and reliable overview of the solar photovoltaic sector of Asian countries for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. You will receive an overview of how the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) will impact this market. The rooftop market segment in many countries is not developed and forecasted to score significant growth shortly. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, risks, current issues and prospects.

  • Asia Solar PV Market to Continue its Growth in 2016

    Asia Solar Market small

    /21st June 2016, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Solar PV power is one of the fastest-growing sources of energy in the world, as demand grows for energy security and independence, driving governments to develop reliable renewable power sources. Green laws have been implemented across Asia between 2008 and 2015 and can dramatically change the power and energy market sizes in this region according to Asia Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2016÷2025 released by the RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM, a global provider of cleantech research and analyses about emerging markets. Economic growth in Asia maintains a steady pace. Gross domestic product (GDP) in the region is forecast to expand by 5.3 % in 2016. Several Asian countries experience energy shortages and alternative energy sources are increasingly important to fulfil local energy demands. 

  • China Grid Connection Concerns for Renewable Energy Generation

    /8th March 2017, IEA, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/, China has experienced a marked increase in electricity demand over the past decade, requiring rapid and large investments in the power sector. This has provided an opportunity for streamlining system integration with the expansion of overall electricity infrastructure. However, this opportunity has not been fully realised and investments have predominantly been in coal-fired capacity. The dominance of coal in the power sector has translated into growing concerns over local air pollution and CO2 emissions. To address these issues, China is ramping up the deployment of renewable energy resources and putting in place measures to effectively limit increases in coal-fired capacity.

  • Floating Solar PV Power Plants Open Up New Horizons

    /22nd March 2019, World Bank, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Floating solar technologies are creating major new opportunities to scale up solar energy around the world, particularly in countries with high population density and competing uses for available land. Asia is the epicentre for this new technology’s expansion, with large floating solar plants at either the tens or hundreds of megawatt-scale being installed or planned in China, India and Southeast Asia.

  • Integration Challenge about Variable Generated Wind and Solar Power into Future Grid Infrastructure

    /29th June 2017, IEA, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM,IRENA/, The share of renewables in overall power generation is rapidly increasing, both in developed and developing countries. Furthermore, many countries have ambitious targets to transform their power sector towards renewables. To achieve these objectives, the structure and operation of existing power grid infrastructures will need to be revisited as the share of renewable power generation increases. Renewable energy technologies can be divided into two categories: dispatchable (i.e.biomass, concentrated solar power with storage, geothermal power and hydro) and non-dispatchable, also known as Variable Renewable Energy or VRE (i.e.ocean power, solar photovoltaics and wind).

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