  • Africa-EU Renewable Energy Co-operation Programme

    /10th July 2020, SolarPower Europe/ The RECP is an African-European platform for promoting renewable energy market development and investment in Africa that was initiated in the framework of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP). By promoting market development and investment, it spurs growth on both continents. It contributes directly to the targets of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership, the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative. 

  • Conference on the G20 Compact with Africa 2023 in Berlin, Germany

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    /BERLIN, November 20, 2023, 9:00 CET, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Launched under the German G20 Presidency in 2017, the G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) has established itself as the key format for dialogue and cooperation between reform-oriented African countries, G20 partners and beyond. Backed by continued support from G20 Leaders and International Organisations, the Compact is firmly anchored in the G20 Finance Track with the Africa Advisory Group under South African-German Co-Chairmanship as its steering body. The CwA contributes to attracting increased private investment in the Compact countries through substantial improvements in the macro, business and financing frameworks. Recent data show that CwA countries, being more open to trade and foreign direct investments, have managed to disproportionally benefit from the postpandemic economic recovery. The recent admission of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and growing interest from additional African partners to join the CwA are further proof of success of this flagship initiative.

  • Corporate Renewables 2020 Launches, 100% round table event focussed on Corporate PPAs

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    /7th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Shareholders, employees, customers and a wide range of stakeholders require corporate businesses to show a tangible, impactful commitment to renewable energy. As global energy usage and needs are re-defined by these groups, corporates are increasingly focused on reducing their environmental footprint and securing lower energy costs. Corporate PPAs enable companies to achieve their carbon emission reduction goals and are gaining momentum globally. This brings us to launch Corporate renewables 2020 in London, March 11-12. The size and frequency of deals have increased quickly in recent years to more complex and innovative buyer consortia, VFA and proxy swap agreements. However, in Europe, the business model for PPAs is yet to reach its potential. The total volume of corporate renewable PPAs signed in Europe in 2018 amassed to 1.9 GW while in the States it reached 8.5 GW. Corporate Renewables 2020 is not a conference or a summit. The event delivers a series of curated networking experiences designed to help you to assess the economic viability of corporate renewable PPAs, learn about innovative deal structures and understand how they can be applicable to your company. 

  • Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Future Market Development, Trends and Opportunities

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    /19th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Worldwide, renewable energy generators are entering into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with corporations, due to the falling price of renewable power. Furthermore, electricity markets are changing and around the world electricity regulation is also changing to meet the requirements of the accelerating energy transition. Many government policies and regulations are moving in the direction of carbon emissions reduction, more liberalization, smart grids combined with greater flexibility and easier market access for end-users. The result is a combination of a stronger policy focus on environmental goals and reduced government control and supervision of national electricity markets. These trends have the potential to give consumers a greater role in electricity markets than ever before. Many government commitments in Europe to manage climate change can be met with the implementation of clean energy transition programs and with the support of corporate renewable PPA structures, reveals the recently published study ’Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2019 ÷ 2028’. This study considers the whole array of options available to corporates looking to source renewable electricity in Europe. Despite the less developed corporate renewable PPAs market in Europe compared to the USA, the Renewable Market Watch™ predicts increased support and acceptance of the corporate renewable PPA model in European countries in the next decade.

  • Europe Leads the Global Clean Energy Transition with Binding Renewable Energy Target for the EU for 2030 of 32%

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    /14th June 2018, Strasbourg, EU Commission/ An ambitious political agreement on increasing renewable energy use in Europe was reached today between negotiators from the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. Today's deal means that two out of the 8 legislative proposals in the Clean Energy for All Europeans package (adopted by the European Commission on 30 November 2016) have been already agreed by the co-legislators. On 14 May, the first element of the package, the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive, was adopted. Thus, progress and momentum towards completing the Energy Union is well underway and the work started by the Juncker Commission, under the priority “a resilient Energy Union and a forward-looking climate change policy" is delivering its promises. The new regulatory framework includes a binding renewable energy target for the EU for 2030 of 32% with an upwards revision clause by 2023. This will greatly contribute to the Commission's political priority as expressed by President Juncker in 2014 for the European Union to become the world number one in renewables.

  • Europe Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market is Growing: Prosumers, BIPV, Energy Storage, Distributed Generation, Off-grid, Electric Vehicles, Trends, Investments, Forecast by 2030, Renewable Market Watch

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    /22nd March 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The current levels of dependence on fossil fuels, the need of reducing the carbon emissions associated with energy use and the prospects of developing a new and highly innovative European technology sector make distributed solar photovoltaic energy generation increasingly attractive. To understand how we may unlock the self-generation potential, the analysis Europe Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market Outlook 2021 – 2030 has been conducted with primary research, interviews, first-class sources of information, case studies and desk research. Based on our findings, the study drew conclusions and recommendations on developing a more comprehensive policy and regulatory framework for residential and commercial prosumers. Today, renewable energy sources have become a significant contributor to the energy transition occurring in Europe. According to the EU Green Deal, substantial fossil fuel capacity needs faster decommissioning to ensure that the EU reduces carbon-intensive power plants by 2030. The rate of replacement of carbon-intensive energy sources by renewable energy to date has already resulted in GHG emissions reductions in the EU electricity sector. Residential and commercial prosumers installing rooftop and building-integrated (BIPV) solar photovoltaic systems and energy storage shall have a vital role in the European clean energy transition by 2030.

  • Europe Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar PV Market Grew 18.2 Percent in 2017

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    /30rd April 2018, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Investment in solar photovoltaic (PV) power capacity is growing in Europe, and, although utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants with capacity above 1 MW continue to dominate the market, distributed solar is also growing rapidly. There is clear trend solar photovoltaic (PV) sector’s growth in Europe is moving towards self‑consumption and net metering according to recently published report Europe Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar PV Market Outlook 2017 - 2026. According industry analysts of Renewable Market Watch™, this trend may be expected to continue, as the EU administration is working to establish new more effective business and regulatory framework to stimulate distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) and other decentralized renewable energy sources. Electric vehicles are an essential part of a clean energy future and supported by clean electricity such as solar photovoltaic (PV) power, their impact on carbon emission reduction can grow even more. As electric vehicles plug in to the grid at night, they increase usage. This in turn can encourage home owners and utilities to add more solar powered charge-in capacity to the grid and solar photovoltaic (PV) power may have prevailing part over other renewable energy sources (RES).

  • Europe Union to Support Clean Energy Infrastructure with €750 Million Funding

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    /17th April 2019, Brussels, EU Commission/ The European Commission (EC) is releasing €750 million of funding for key European energy infrastructure projects with major cross-border benefits. The EU funding comes from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European support programme for trans-European infrastructure. This represents a crucial element of the Energy Union, one of the political priorities of the Juncker Commission. The 2019 CEF Energy call for proposals will be open until 13 June 2019. To apply for CEF Energy funding, projects must first be designated Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). PCIs need to have a significant impact on at least two EU countries and must increase competitiveness, enhance the EU’s energy security and contribute to sustainable development and environmental protection. The received proposals for financing, which can be for studies or construction works, will then be evaluated against several additional criteria.

  • European Commission (EC) Approves €2.9 Billion French State Aid Scheme for Supporting Investment in Green Industries

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    /BRUSSELS, January 8, 2024, 12:00 GMT, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The European Commission has approved a €2.9 billion French scheme for supporting investment in green industries (tax credit for investment in green industries) to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy, in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are crucial for accelerating the green transition and reducing fossil fuel dependencies. France has notified to the Commission, under the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, a €2.9 billion scheme for supporting investment in green industries to foster the transition to a net-zero economy.

  • European Commission (EC) Proposes Reform of the EU Electricity Market Design to Boost Renewables, Better Protect Consumers and Enhance Industrial Competitiveness

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    /BRUSSELS, March 14, 2023, 15:00 GMT, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Today, the Commission has proposed to reform the EU's electricity market design to accelerate a surge in renewables and the phase-out of gas, make consumer bills less dependent on volatile fossil fuel prices, better protect consumers from future price spikes and potential market manipulation, and make the EU's industry clean and more competitive. The EU has had an efficient, well-integrated electricity market for over twenty years, allowing consumers to reap the economic benefits of a single energy market, ensuring the security of supply and stimulating the decarbonisation process.

  • European Commission Approves Prolongation of Polish Support Scheme for Renewable Energy Electricity Generation with a Budget of EUR 9.4 Billion

    /LONDON, December 1, 2021, 11:00 GMT, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, the prolongation of an existing scheme to support electricity production from renewable sources in Poland. The measure was initially approved in 2017 (SA.43697), with a budget of approximately €9.4 billion (PLN 40 billion), and was set to expire on 30 June 2021.

  • European Commission Approves €385 Million Support for Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in Lithuania

    /23rd April 2019, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources in Lithuania. The measure, open to all types of renewable generation, will contribute to the EU environmental objectives without unduly distorting competition. The scheme, with an overall budget of €385 million, will be open to all renewable installations.

  • European Council with Proposal for Reduced VAT Rates on Certain Goods Including Solar PV Modules for Residential and Public Interest Use

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    /LONDON, December 7, 2021, 15:30 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The European Council reached an agreement on a proposal to update EU rules on value-added tax (VAT) rates. The new rules reflect member states’ current needs and the EU's present policy objectives, which have changed considerably since the old rules were put in place. The updates ensure member states are treated equally and give them more flexibility to apply reduced and zero VAT rates. The rules will also phase out preferential treatments for environmentally harmful goods. The current levels of dependence on fossil fuels, the need of reducing the carbon emissions associated with energy use and the prospects of developing a new and highly innovative European technology sector make distributed solar photovoltaic energy generation increasingly attractive. According to the EU Green Deal, substantial fossil fuel capacity needs faster decommissioning to ensure that the EU reduces carbon-intensive power plants by 2030. The rate of replacement of carbon-intensive energy sources by renewable energy to date has already resulted in GHG emissions reductions in the EU electricity sector. Residential and commercial prosumers installing rooftop and building-integrated (BIPV) solar photovoltaic systems and energy storage shall have a vital role in the European clean energy transition by 2030.

  • European Union (EU) in discussion for 50 per cent emission cuts by 2030

    /7th June 2019, EURACTIV, Sam Morgan, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ While Germany and Eastern European countries continue to oppose raising the EU’s 40% emission reduction target for 2030, a new analysis insists the bloc will actually manage at least 50% cuts under a business-as-usual scenario taking into account the latest coal phase-out pledges.

  • European Union (EU) to Speed Up Permitting Process for Renewable Energy Projects

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    /BRUSSELS, November 24, 2022, 17:20 GMT, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ EU energy ministers today agreed on the content of a Council regulation laying down a temporary framework to accelerate the permit-granting process and the deployment of renewable energy projects. The regulation will introduce urgent and targeted measures that address specific technologies and types of projects, which have the highest potential for quick deployment and the least impact on the environment.The new temporary will rules set maximum deadlines for granting permits for solar energy equipment, upgrading existing renewable power plants (repowering) and the deployment of heat pumps. In addition, they will introduce a presumption of overriding public interest for renewable energy projects.

  • G20 Energy Ministers Meeting in Argentina to Discuss Clean Energy Transition

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    /15th June 2018, Bariloche, Argentina, EU Commission/ The G20 Energy Ministers meeting takes place in Bariloche, Argentina on 15 June 2018. The European Union, as a member of the G20, is represented by the European Commission. Under Argentinian presidency, this year's theme of the ministerial is 'Energy Transitions Towards Cleaner, More Flexible and Transparent Systems'. Delegates from G20 member and guest countries, as well as international organizations, discuss public policies to help promote the transition towards more flexible, more transparent and cleaner energy systems. The EU stresses the need to keep up the worldwide efforts towards the clean energy transition and build on existing G20 commitments. The importance of this clean energy transition as a contribution to addressing climate change is also top of the agenda. Other key topics discussed are energy efficiency, renewables, energy data transparency, digitalisation, and energy affordability.

  • Germany with Ambitious Plans for Offshore Wind Energy by 2030

    /LONDON, February 6, 2023, 9:30 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Offshore wind energy has become an increasingly important renewable energy source in Germany. The German government has implemented several policies and initiatives to support the expansion of offshore wind energy. One of the most significant are amendments to Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and to the German Offshore Wind Energy Act (WindSeeG), which sets out a framework for developing offshore wind farms and provides rules for auctioning offshore wind energy projects. The country has set ambitious goals to expand offshore wind power, with a target of 30 GW of installed capacity by 2030 and a long-term goal of reaching 70 GW by 2040. All these measures shall accelerate the expansion of renewable energy contained and are into force from 1 January 2023.

  • Here's how Europe plans to be the first climate-neutral continent

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    /7th February 2020, Sean Fleming, World Economic Forum/ By 2050, Europe wants to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent – that’s the key message in a series of goals and initiatives announced by the European Commission known as the European Green Deal. It aims to “transform the European Union into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy,” the Commission says. Among its timeline of objectives, the Commission has called for a 50% increase to the EU 2030 climate target, which currently calls for a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions and an increase in the use of renewable energy. In 2019 Europe saw a fall of almost one-fifth in the generation of coal-fired electricity – described by the climate change think tank Sandbag as the Great Coal Collapse of 2019. Addressing climate change is not just an environmental priority. As outlined in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, economic and social stability are at significant risk of disruption from climate-related problems.

  • Members of the European Parliament Support the Electricity Market Reform

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    /BRUSSELS, July 19, 2023, 14:00 BST, European Commission, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ In their amendments to the draft legislation, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) propose to further strengthen consumer protection against volatile prices. The reform of the electricity market, to make it more stable, affordable and sustainable, received the support of the Energy Committee on Wednesday (July 19, 2023). Consumers should have the right to fixed-price contracts, dynamic price contracts, as well as more key information on the options they sign up to, banning suppliers from being able to unilaterally change the terms of a contract. The aim is to ensure that all consumers, as well as small businesses, would benefit from long-term, affordable and stable prices and to mitigate the impact of sudden price shocks. MEPs also advocate that EU countries prohibit suppliers from cutting the electricity supply of vulnerable customers, including during disputes between suppliers and customers, and prevent suppliers from requiring these customers to use prepayment systems.

  • New Report is Published about the Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market

    /31st March 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This independent, 230+ page report of Renewable Market Watch™ analyzes the corporate renewable PPA market in 44 European countries. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, Renewable Market Watch™ has identified a series of market trends that will impact investment volume and renewable energy capacity additions under corporate renewable PPA models over the coming decade in Europe.

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