  • Clouds Over the Horizon of the Largest Wind Power Plant Projected in Latvia

    Wind turbines by serdarguler2 small

    /27th May 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ SIA Eolus, a subsidiary of Sweden's Eolus Vind AB plans to build a €250m wind farm in Dobele and Tukums municipalities. This landmark wind farm project in Latvia has been included in the Central East and South East Europe Wind Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027, reported the Renewable Market Watch™. Eolus said that a total of 51 turbines are to be set up, with annual electricity production at 0.7 TWh - about 10% of Latvia's yearly energy consumption. "The growing efficiency of wind turbines makes setting up a new wind farm economically feasible. It is and will remain the cheapest renewable energy source, and we're going ahead with the new wind farm no matter what renewable energy policies Latvia adopts in the future," said Gatis Galviņš, board member at Eolus. Construction was planned to start in 2019 and conclude by 2022. Eolus Vind AB is one of the largest wind farm operators in Sweden, having built 540 out of the country's 3400 wind turbines. It is listed on Stockholm's Nasdaq exchange. The net electricity consumption in Latvia totalled 580 286 MWh, average Nord Pool day-ahead price for Latvian bidding area increased to 43.52 EUR/MWh. Local generation covered 86% of national consumption.

  • Sunly Starts Construction Works on Three Large-Scale Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plants in Latvia with a Total Capacity of 225 MW

    Sunly Starts Construction Works on Three Large Scale Solar Photovoltaic PV Power Plants in Latvia with a Total Capacity of 225 MW small

    /TALLINN, ESTONIA, November 1, 2024, 9:00 GMT, Sunly/ This autumn, the renewable energy company Sunly started work on three large solar park projects in Latvia, with a combined capacity reaching 225 MW. These projects will be capable of meeting the annual electricity consumption of over 118.000 households. The parks are planned to be developed in the Valmiera, Krāslava, and Madona regions. Work has already begun on the first project in Valmiera Municipality, where a 54 MW solar park will be developed near Matīši village. Simultaneously, work has commerced on a substation for a 90 MW solar park in Dagda Parish, Krāslava Municipality.

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