  • Africa-EU Renewable Energy Co-operation Programme

    /10th July 2020, SolarPower Europe/ The RECP is an African-European platform for promoting renewable energy market development and investment in Africa that was initiated in the framework of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP). By promoting market development and investment, it spurs growth on both continents. It contributes directly to the targets of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership, the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative. 

  • Axpo Signed PPA with Obton A/S for Klatzow Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plant in Germany with 11 MWp Capacity

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    /BERLIN, February 21, 2022, 10:00 GMT, Axpo/ Axpo has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Danish company Obton A/S, a leading solar energy investor in Europe, for the Klatzow solar park currently under construction in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The ten-year contract demonstrates the important role of PPAs in the expansion of renewable energies in Germany. Construction of the 11 MWp Klatzow solar park near Neubrandenburg is already underway, with commissioning planned for spring 2022.

  • Bayer Signed a Corporate PPA with Wuppertaler Stadtwerke to Secure 100 % Renewable Electricity for Several Sites Located in Germany

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    /WUPPERTAL/LEVERKUSEN, GERMANY, April 19, 2024, 10:00 BST, Bayer AG/ Bayer AG has signed a long-term supply agreement for electricity from renewable energy sources with Wuppertaler Stadtwerke (WSW), the public utility company of Wuppertal in North Rhein-Westphalia, Germany. The contract underlines Bayer's global commitment to sustainability. Under this supply agreement, WSW will deliver over 120 GWh of wind and/or solar power from German wind and solar parks to Bayer. This is equivalent to the annual power consumption of around 30,000 households.

  • Bekaert and Rezolv Energy Signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 100 GWh from VIFOR Wind Farm in Romania

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    /BUCHAREST, July 4, 2024, 9:00 CEST, Bekaert, Rezolv Energy/ Rezolv Energy, the Actis-backed independent power producer in Central and Southeastern Europe, through their project subsidiary First Looks Solutions S.R.L., have signed a 10-year Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) in Romania with Bekaert, a global leader in steel wire transformation and coating technologies. This is one of the largest PPAs ever signed in the region. The deal will see Bekaert buy 100 GWh of additional renewable power per year, reducing annual emissions by more than 41 000 tonnes of CO2e. The power will come from the 461MW ‘VIFOR’ wind farm, which has been developed by Rezolv and Low Carbon in Buzău County, Romania.

  • Boralex Signed its first PPA in the UK with Statkraft for 106MW Limekiln Wind Farm

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    /Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 17, 2024, 9:30 BST, Boralex Inc./ Boralex Inc. (“Boralex” or the “Company”) (TSX: BLX) is pleased to announce the securement of a power purchase agreement (PPA) for its flagship 106MW Limekiln Wind Farm near Thurso in Caithness, Scotland. Having successfully achieved a government-backed Contract for Difference (CfD) in Allocation Round 5 in September last year, Boralex has gone on to agree a PPA with Statkraft, one of the leading PPA providers in the UK, for a 3-year contract covering the period between commissioning of the wind farm, expected by the end of 2024, and the start of the CfD in April 2028.

  • Burger King Restaurants Signed a Corporate PPA for 1,500 GWh of Electrical Energy with Iberdrola

    /MADRID, July 11, 2024, 10:00 CEST, Iberdrola/ This new agreement will allow Iberdrola to supply the restaurant chain with a total of 1,500 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of photovoltaic (PV) energy, contributing to accelerating Burger King's path towards decarbonisation and increasing its energy security.

  • Corporate Renewables 2020 Launches, 100% round table event focussed on Corporate PPAs

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    /7th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Shareholders, employees, customers and a wide range of stakeholders require corporate businesses to show a tangible, impactful commitment to renewable energy. As global energy usage and needs are re-defined by these groups, corporates are increasingly focused on reducing their environmental footprint and securing lower energy costs. Corporate PPAs enable companies to achieve their carbon emission reduction goals and are gaining momentum globally. This brings us to launch Corporate renewables 2020 in London, March 11-12. The size and frequency of deals have increased quickly in recent years to more complex and innovative buyer consortia, VFA and proxy swap agreements. However, in Europe, the business model for PPAs is yet to reach its potential. The total volume of corporate renewable PPAs signed in Europe in 2018 amassed to 1.9 GW while in the States it reached 8.5 GW. Corporate Renewables 2020 is not a conference or a summit. The event delivers a series of curated networking experiences designed to help you to assess the economic viability of corporate renewable PPAs, learn about innovative deal structures and understand how they can be applicable to your company. 

  • Digital Realty Invests in Photovoltaics in Germany Through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with ENGIE

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    /FRANKFURT, Germany and COLOGNE, Germany, February 2, 2023, 7:00 ET, PRNewswire/ Digital Realty and ENGIE have signed a 10-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for a 116 megawatts (MW) share of a new 154 MW ground mounted solar photovoltaic project. Digital Realty's offtake commitment, estimated at 120 gigawatt hours (GWh) per year, supports the construction of the new solar park to be built by CEE Group, an infrastructure fund specializing in renewable energy projects. Located in Brandenburg in the northeast of Germany, the solar park is scheduled to start operation in late 2023.

  • DRI and OMV Petrov Have Signed the Largest Physical Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power in Romania to Date

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    /BUCHAREST, December 20, 2024, 11:00 GMT, DRI, OMV Petrom/ DRI, the EU renewables arm of Ukrainian energy company DTEK, has signed the largest physical solar power purchase agreement (“PPA”) in Romania with OMV Petrom S.A., the largest integrated energy producer in Southeastern Europe. The PPA is a package deal, grouping three PPAs with OMV Petrom over an 8.5-year period for approximately 100GWh per year at a fixed rate, including the sale of physical electricity and Guarantees of Origin.

  • Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Future Market Development, Trends and Opportunities

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    /19th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Worldwide, renewable energy generators are entering into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with corporations, due to the falling price of renewable power. Furthermore, electricity markets are changing and around the world electricity regulation is also changing to meet the requirements of the accelerating energy transition. Many government policies and regulations are moving in the direction of carbon emissions reduction, more liberalization, smart grids combined with greater flexibility and easier market access for end-users. The result is a combination of a stronger policy focus on environmental goals and reduced government control and supervision of national electricity markets. These trends have the potential to give consumers a greater role in electricity markets than ever before. Many government commitments in Europe to manage climate change can be met with the implementation of clean energy transition programs and with the support of corporate renewable PPA structures, reveals the recently published study ’Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2019 ÷ 2028’. This study considers the whole array of options available to corporates looking to source renewable electricity in Europe. Despite the less developed corporate renewable PPAs market in Europe compared to the USA, the Renewable Market Watch™ predicts increased support and acceptance of the corporate renewable PPA model in European countries in the next decade.

  • Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2021 - 2030 Trends, Investments, Growth, Prices, Laws, Country Profiles, Opportunities and Forecast

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    /LONDON, November 19, 2021, 10:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET  WATCHTM/ Corporate renewable energy sourcing continues to boom across Europe. Power purchase agreements (PPAs) and on-site sourcing are set for another record year. With months to go, the volume of PPAs signed in 2021 has already surpassed the 3.5GW signed in 2020, making 2021 the eighth record year in a row. European Commercial and Industrial on-site installations are also enjoying rapid growth, with forecasts showing they could reach a total capacity of 407GW by 2030. The current sharp increase and volatility in energy prices are likely to support the corporate renewable PPAs demand in Europe. Many companies look to hedge against unpredictable energy prices, according to the Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2021÷2030. This independent, 230+ page study of Renewable Market Watch™ analyzes the corporate renewable PPA market in 44 European countries.

  • Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2022 - 2031 Trends, Investments, Growth, Prices, Laws, Country Profiles, Opportunities and Forecast

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    /LONDON, August 8, 2022, 10:00 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET  WATCHTM/ Corporate renewable energy sourcing continues to boom across Europe. Power purchase agreements (PPAs) and on-site sourcing are set for another record year. The European PPA market has proliferated, with almost a seven-fold increase from 2016 until 2021. European Commercial and Industrial on-site installations are also enjoying rapid growth, with forecasts showing they could reach a total capacity of 407GW by 2030. The current sharp increase and volatility in energy prices are likely to support the corporate renewable PPAs demand in Europe. Corporate PPAs may have an excellent contribution to solving Europe’s energy crisis. Many companies look to hedge against unpredictable energy prices, according to the Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2022÷2031. This independent, 230+ page study of Renewable Market Watch™ analyzes the corporate renewable PPA market in 44 European countries.

  • Iberdrola and Masdar Close Their EUR 1.6 Billion Alliance to Develop Offshore Wind in the Baltic Sea

    /MADRID, November 2, 2023, 10:00 GMT, Iberdrola/ Iberdrola has signed a strategic agreement with Masdar, a major renewable energy group based in Abu Dhabi, to co-invest in the 476 MW Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm, located in the German Baltic Sea. Following confirmation that all the necessary regulatory approvals have been received, Iberdrola will have a majority stake of 51% in the project, which will help to accelerate energy independence in Europe.

  • Iberdrola Concluded a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with AGRATI Group to Supply 150 GWh of Green Electricity

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    /FRANCE, January 28, 2025, 19:55 CET, Iberdrola/ Iberdrola has signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with AGRATI Group, which specializes in the production of fastening systems and mechanical components. Starting in 2025, AGRATI will purchase all the electricity generated by the Florembeau wind farm, located in the commune of Créquy, in the Pas-de-Calais region. This wind farm comprises 5 turbines with a total output of 10.25 MW. An annual output of 21 GWh/y will be sold to AGRATI starting in 2025.

  • Less than 1 Month Left to RE-Source Southeast Conference 2024, 15-16 May, Sofia, Bulgaria

    /SOFIA, April 19, 2024, 16:00 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ RE-Source Southeast, the largest event dedicated to corporate renewable energy sourcing in Southeast Europe, will be held for the 4th time in Sofia, Bulgaria. It brings together industrial and corporate consumers, project developers, electricity traders and renewable power producers.

  • Masdar Acquires the Greek Energy Company GEK TERNA in a Remarkable €3.2 Billion Deal

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    /ABU DHABI, UAE & ATHENS, June 20, 2024, 11:30 BST, Masdar/ Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar (“Masdar”), the UAE’s clean energy leader, has announced its definitive agreement with GEK TERNA SA (GEKTERNA.AT) and other shareholders of TERNA ENERGY SA (TENERGY.AT) to acquire 67% of the company’s outstanding shares initially. This is subject to regulatory approvals and other conditions. Upon completion of the initial acquisition, Masdar will launch an all-cash mandatory tender offer to acquire the remaining outstanding shares, aiming to reach 100% ownership.

  • Masdar and Taaleri SolarWind III Fund Arranged Financial Close 154MW Čibuk 2 Wind Farm in Serbia

    MET Group Acquires 42 MW Wind Farm in Bulgaria from Enel Green Power Small

    /Belgrade, Serbia, September 23, 2024, 10:00 BST, Masdar/ Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar, the United Arab Emirates’ clean energy powerhouse, today announced the financial close for the 154 megawatt (MW) Čibuk 2 wind farm in Serbia. The financial close agreement was signed at a special ceremony on the sidelines of RES Serbia 2024 in the presence of Serbia’s Minister of Mining and Energy, Dubravka Djedović Handanović, Masdar’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Taaleri’s Group CEO, Peter Ramsay and Taaleri Energia Managing Director, Kai Rintala.

  • New Report is Published about the Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market

    /31st March 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This independent, 230+ page report of Renewable Market Watch™ analyzes the corporate renewable PPA market in 44 European countries. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, Renewable Market Watch™ has identified a series of market trends that will impact investment volume and renewable energy capacity additions under corporate renewable PPA models over the coming decade in Europe.

  • On-site renewable electricity and storage can help to bring Europe’s business sector closer to climate neutrality

    /8th December 2020, Brussels/ The RE-Source Platform launched today a new report revealing the significant untapped potential and value for corporates in deploying renewable electricity and storage installations on commercial and industrial (C&I) buildings or within their premises.

  • RE-Source Southeast Conference 2023, 18-19 May, Sofia, Bulgaria

    /SOFIA, March 17, 2023, 10:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ RE-Source Southeast is the go-to event for corporate sourcing of renewable energy in the SEE region! While self-consumption and on-site generation is still the prevailing choice for SEE corporates, the PPA market has the potential to catch up fast, as first deals have already been announced in Bulgaria, Greece and Romania. Across Europe, high market prices tempted power producers to shift towards short-term PPAs and more active energy trading strategies with a rising focus on short-term hedges.

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