  • Greece to Launch Auctions (Tenders) for 512 MW of Solar and Wind Projects

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    /23rd July 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) of Greece has announced its plans to launch solar and wind power auctions (tenders), with a combined capacity of more than 512MW, has been revealed in the regular update of the study ’Central East and South-East Europe Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027’. Competitive bidding will start on 7 October 2019, with two distinct categories – the solar tender will focus on photovoltaic (PV) generation smaller than 20MW, with a total capacity of 287 MW, and a maximum allowed bid price $73.66 per MWh, in a reverse auction. In the wind category, Greece will award 225 MW of capacity with a maximum allowed bid price of $75/kWh. Interested developers in both tenders will have time until November 4 to make online submissions and will be required to submit hard copies of their bids by November 7. RAE will announce final results between December 12 and December 20. According to the tender’s rules, RAE will allocate the whole capacity only if bids in excess of 40% of the total are received.

  • Photovoltaics 2020 Event in Greece on February 20, 2020

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    /3rd January 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ On Thursday 20 February 2020, HELAPCO (The Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Companies) will organize the leading business and strategic event for the Greek solar energy market: Photovoltaic 2020. Once again, a diverse group of local and international developers, investors and other stakeholders will be gathering to explore the opportunities in the growing Greek solar photovoltaic (PV) market together. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for developers, investors, equipment manufacturers and stakeholders. The timing is now perfect for renewables industry market entrants who wish to play a role in this rapidly transforming market. The levelized cost of new solar PV energy in Greece is lower than the levelized cost of new lignite and gas‐fired power plants. This was unimaginable a few years ago. Greece also has a self‐consumption scheme (net‐‐metering) for residential and commercial solar photovoltaic power systems (up to 1 MWp). A new support scheme for renewable energy, consistent with the Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014‐2020 (and based on competitive tenders and feed‐in‐premiums) was introduced in 2016. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ pledge to phase out the country’s lignite-fired power fleet by 2028 has come as an energy policy earthquake and constituted ‘a decision of historic importance’. The Greek Energy Ministry announced that renewable energy should provide 35% of Greece’s final energy consumption in 2030, up from a 20% target next year. That ambition would require renewables to generate more than 65% of Greece’s electricity in 2030.

  • Renewable Energy Investment Activity and Opportunities in Kosovo

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    /15th August 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Energy Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo 2013-2022 is the main document outlining energy policies and development objectives of the energy sector, in line with international standards on sustainable development, environmental protection and social wellbeing, which aims to maximize profits from the use of the country’s energy resources. The Energy Strategy aims to establish effective mechanisms for implementing requirements set in this strategy, taking into account the effective management of existing energy resources and environmental protection. It focuses on enhancing the security of supply in line with European standards and diversification of energy sources. This strategy aims to encourage rational use of energy and increased energy efficiency, utilization of renewable energy sources, the introduction of new technologies while respecting international standards of environmental protection and community care. Kosovo has solar, wind, hydro and biomass resources available that are more than sufficient to meet the country's energy supply needs, has been mentioned in the regular update of 'Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2019÷2028'.

  • The Government of Kosovo Signed an Agreement with IFC to Support Development of a 50 MW Solar PV Power Plant

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    /29th January 2021, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Government of Kosovo has recently signed an agreement with IFC to help attract a private partner to develop a 50 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant under a structure. The Kosovo Solar project will be implemented through a competitive tender to achieve procurement of lower-cost solar energy. The Republic of Kosovo has a population of 1.8 million and the energy generation in the country is heavily dependent on two old lignite coal-fired power plants with high CO2 emissions. The coal-fired power plants, which cover 91% of the energy generation, reach the end of their operational life and will soon need serious investments for modernisation or decommissioning. Therefore, Kosovo needs viable energy alternatives to build a more flexible power generation strategy with the increased use of renewable energy. Kosovo has solar, wind, hydro and biomass resources available that are more than sufficient to meet the country's energy supply needs, has been mentioned in the regular update of 'Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030'.

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