/15th August 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Energy Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo 2013-2022 is the main document outlining energy policies and development objectives of the energy sector, in line with international standards on sustainable development, environmental protection and social wellbeing, which aims to maximize profits from the use of the country’s energy resources. The Energy Strategy aims to establish effective mechanisms for implementing requirements set in this strategy, taking into account the effective management of existing energy resources and environmental protection. It focuses on enhancing the security of supply in line with European standards and diversification of energy sources. This strategy aims to encourage rational use of energy and increased energy efficiency, utilization of renewable energy sources, the introduction of new technologies while respecting international standards of environmental protection and community care. Kosovo has solar, wind, hydro and biomass resources available that are more than sufficient to meet the country's energy supply needs, has been mentioned in the regular update of 'Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2019÷2028'.