  • 120 MW Agrivoltaic Solar Project Kosanica in Montenegro Obtained Preliminary Zoning Plan and Technical Approvals

    /LONDON, July 2, 2024, 10:00 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ A solar power plant with a capacity of 120 MW will soon be built near the town of Kosanica in the municipality of Pljevlja in Montenegro, and preliminary construction and technical permit have already been issued. The company Kosanica Solar is the applicant for this plant. The documentation states that the area would be used for sustainable agricultural production, according to the so-called agrivoltaic (agrisolar) concept.

  • Briska Gora Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Montenegro with Increased Capacity to 262 MW

    Briska Gora Montenegro Solar PV Power Plant 262 MW Montenegro small

    /26th October 2020, Dnevne Novine, Crnogorski ekonomski, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Government of Montenegro stated that all preconditions have been created for the construction of the solar power plant "Briska Gora" on an area of ​​as much as 925.25 hectares, is twice as large as previously planned, Dnevne Novine writes. Amendments to the Spatial Development Plan in Ulcinj, Montenegro propose to increase the zone for the construction of a solar power plant from 467 hectares to 925.25 hectares. "It is proposed to increase the solar power plant's capacity from 118 MW to 262 MW". This is stated in the new government information on preparing documentation for the needs of development projects. Montenegro will need to invest in additional power generation capacity in the coming years to compensate expected decommissioning of the existing Pljevlja coal plant, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030. The country has no infrastructure for natural gas distribution and does not currently extract oil, though the government is interested in oil and gas production in the Adriatic Sea.

  • EBRD Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition in Western Balkans and Ukraine

    /28th January 2021, Vanora Bennett, EBRD, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Organisations behind the Platform Initiative in Support of Coal Regions in Transition in Western Balkans and Ukraine agreed to join efforts to support the transition away from coal and towards a low-carbon and climate-resilient future in the Western Balkans and Ukraine. Participants including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),World Bank Group, the College of Europe (Natolin campus), the Energy Community Secretariat, the European Commission and the government of Poland kicked off discussions on how to support the regions in phasing out coal while supporting local communities that remain economically dependent on the coal industry.

  • EBRD to Support Renewable Energy Transition in Western Balkans Region

    /1st October 2020, EBRD, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The EU has one of the most ambitious energy and climate policies in the world. Its clean energy transition is well underway. "I am glad that benefits already can be seen in terms of "greening" of economies, less dependency on imported fuels, and greater domestic investments in ecologically sound approaches", said Christian Danielsson, Director General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. 

  • Renewable Market Watch™ published a new report Titled 'Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook - Industry Analysis, Deal Tracking, Growth, Investment Volume, Country Ranks, Share, Size, Trends, and Forecast 2023 - 2032'

    /LONDON, December 12, 2022, 11:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This market report offer an incisive and reliable overview of the solar photovoltaic power sector of Western Balkan countries for the period 2023 ÷ 2032. Newly installed PV capacity in this region will exceed several GWs in the next 5 years. The number of fully permitted and ready-to-build projects is promptly increasing. The rooftop solar PV market segment in many countries is not developed and is forecasted to score significant growth soon. Energy demand in the region is constantly increasing, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2023÷2032. Some countries can exceed their electricity production demand needs with the support of renewable energy. Furthermore, some Western Balkan countries are currently in various EU membership joining statuses.

  • Western Balkan Countries are the Newfound Hotspot for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Energy Investments in Europe, Reveals the Renewable Market Watch™

    /LONDON, March 16, 2023, 11:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Between 2012 and 2022, the Western Balkan Countries increased their solar power capacity 11 times. Western Balkans became one of the fastest-growing regions in Europe, with a 28.1 per cent increase in cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) installed capacity in 2022 compared with 2021. The number of fully permitted and ready-to-build projects is promptly increasing. The rooftop solar PV market segment in many countries in this region is underdeveloped and is forecasted to grow significantly. Energy demand in the region is constantly increasing, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2023÷2032. Some countries can exceed their electricity production demand needs with renewable energy support. 

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