  • Econergy Enters Greek Renewable Energy Market with 460MW Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Portfolio Agreement

    /LONDON, April 20, 2022, 15:00 BST, Econergy/ Econergy Renewable Energy, a leading investor, developer and operator in renewable energy projects across Europe, has entered a partnership with Terna Energy, a company listed on the Athens Stock Exchange. The partnership will see Econergy develop and construct a solar portfolio with a capacity of 460MW as part of a new pipeline of projects in the Greek market.

  • Portland Trust Finalised Deal for Sale of a 155 MW Solar Photovoltaic Project in Romania to Econergy and Nofar Energy

    New Horizons for Solar Power Market Romania small

    /LONDON, November 10, 2021, 14:30 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The 155MW project will be one of Romania's largest solar photovoltaic power plants. It is located on Ratesti, Arges county, on a land plot with approximately 165 hectares. There is no information disclosed about the deal price. Earlier this year, Portland Trust announced its plans to create a portfolio of more than 500MW solar projects in Romania. According to the Renewable Market Watch, this deal is only the beginning of many deals for new large scale solar projects in Romania that local and international investors will announce in 2022 and 2023.

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