  • Alerion Clean Power Signed an Agreement with Black Sea Wind Partners for the Development of 550 MW Wind Farm Projects in Romania

    Podvelezje Wind Farm Bosnia and Herzegovina small

    /LONDON, December 16, 2021, 10:00 GMT, Alerion Clean Power, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Italian company Alerion Clean Power S.p.A. has signed with Black Sea Wind Partners S.r.l. (a leading company in the development of wind projects in Romania) a development agreement for 3 new wind farm projects in Romania, with a capacity of up to 550 MW. The authorization process for the plants under development is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. The agreement reinforces the growth program that Alerion is pursuing abroad, particularly in Romania. Furthermore, Alerion will accelerate the growth in a market with very large growth perspectives, thanks also to the renewable development plans promoted by the Romanian government. In May 2021, Alerion signed an agreement with Monsson Alma to develop three new wind farm projects in Romania with 350 MW total capacity. The Moldova and Dobrogea provinces (in the southeast of the country, near the Black Sea) were considered the most appropriate areas for wind farm developments, according to the Romania Wind Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030

  • Alerion Clean Power Signed an Agreement with Monsson Alma for the Development of 3 New Farm Wind Projects in Romania with a Capacity of 350 MW

    Podvelezje Wind Farm Bosnia and Herzegovina small

    /5th May 2021, Alerion Clean Power, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Italian company Alerion Clean Power S.p.A. has signed with Monsson Alma, a leading company in the development of wind projects in Romania, and the shareholders of the relevant project companies a development agreement for 3 new wind projects in Romania, with a capacity of approximately 350 MW. The authorization process for the plants under development is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The agreement will allow Alerion to accelerate the growth in a market with very large growth perspectives, thanks also to the renewable development plans promoted by the Romanian government. The Moldova and Dobrogea provinces (in the southeast of the country, near the Black Sea) were considered the most appropriate areas for wind farm developments, according to the Romania Wind Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030. The southeast of Dobrogea was ranked second in terms of potential in Europe according to specialized studies. Romanian wind potential is estimated at around 14,000 MW (14 GW) installed capacity, generating about 23 TWh. per year.

  • Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Future Market Development, Trends and Opportunities

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    /19th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Worldwide, renewable energy generators are entering into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with corporations, due to the falling price of renewable power. Furthermore, electricity markets are changing and around the world electricity regulation is also changing to meet the requirements of the accelerating energy transition. Many government policies and regulations are moving in the direction of carbon emissions reduction, more liberalization, smart grids combined with greater flexibility and easier market access for end-users. The result is a combination of a stronger policy focus on environmental goals and reduced government control and supervision of national electricity markets. These trends have the potential to give consumers a greater role in electricity markets than ever before. Many government commitments in Europe to manage climate change can be met with the implementation of clean energy transition programs and with the support of corporate renewable PPA structures, reveals the recently published study ’Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2019 ÷ 2028’. This study considers the whole array of options available to corporates looking to source renewable electricity in Europe. Despite the less developed corporate renewable PPAs market in Europe compared to the USA, the Renewable Market Watch™ predicts increased support and acceptance of the corporate renewable PPA model in European countries in the next decade.

  • Fortum Targets Gigawatt-Scale Portfolio in Russian Solar PV and Wind Power Markets

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    /27th September 2017, FORTUM, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ One of Fortum’s overall targets is to create a gigawatt-scale portfolio in solar and wind power. As part of this, the company has increased its renewable capacity in Russia. Fortum took a major step in late 2017 with the Bugulchanskaya, Grachevskaya, and Pleshanovskaya solar power plants' acquisition, when it gained 35 MW of solar power capacity. Altogether, the three plants are capable of fulfilling the electricity needs of about 7,000 households. Russia’s Ministry of Energy recently reported that more renewable capacity was put into operation in 2017 than in the two previous years combined, with solar power plants accounting for the bulk of the 140 MW of newly commissioned capacity. According to Russia Wind Power Market Outlook 2018 - 2027, the country has abundant oil, gas and coal production capacity backed up by enormous reserves. Still, it also has the potential to be a giant in the area of renewable energy.
  • Hungary Renewable Energy Transition Presents New Excellent Opportunities for Investors and Developers in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Power Projects

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    /LONDON, September 29, 2021, 10:30 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The country’s primary strategy to meet the growing need for power includes reducing energy dependence by increasing energy efficiency, renewable resources, natural gas, nuclear sources and connecting to the European power infrastructure. The country imports nowadays approximately 30% of its power (the main import countries are Slovakia, Austria, and Ukraine, while the main export countries are Croatia and Serbia). Hungary is ranked among the top 10 countries by attractiveness for solar photovoltaic (PV) energy by the Renewable Market Watch in their yearly updated "Attractiveness index for solar photovoltaic (PV) energy investments in Central-East Europe (CEE) and South-East Europe (SEE) countries in 2021". Between 2015 and 2020, cumulative installed solar power capacity in Hungary registered an impressive 11-fold increase. In June 2020, Hungary adopted a new law making the net-zero emission target by 2050 a binding obligation. This law is part of a broader change in the country’s energy and climate policies.

  • Masdar and Taaleri SolarWind III Fund Arranged Financial Close 154MW Čibuk 2 Wind Farm in Serbia

    MET Group Acquires 42 MW Wind Farm in Bulgaria from Enel Green Power Small

    /Belgrade, Serbia, September 23, 2024, 10:00 BST, Masdar/ Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company PJSC – Masdar, the United Arab Emirates’ clean energy powerhouse, today announced the financial close for the 154 megawatt (MW) Čibuk 2 wind farm in Serbia. The financial close agreement was signed at a special ceremony on the sidelines of RES Serbia 2024 in the presence of Serbia’s Minister of Mining and Energy, Dubravka Djedović Handanović, Masdar’s Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Taaleri’s Group CEO, Peter Ramsay and Taaleri Energia Managing Director, Kai Rintala.

  • Romania Wind Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030 with Trends, Investments, Wholesale Electricity Price Forecast, Financial Model of 50 MW Wind Farm, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact

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    /14th January 2021, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the country's solar photovoltaic sector for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the southeast, Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, and Moldova to the east. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate. With a total area of 238,397 square kilometres (92,046 sq mi), Romania is the 12th largest country and also the 7th most populous member state of the European Union, having almost 20 million inhabitants. The country had cumulative wind power installed capacity of 14 MW at the end of 2009. Following explosive growth only for four years between 2010 and 2014 cumulative installed capacity exceeded 2,844MW (2.84GW) by the end of 2014. Romania’s potential in wind energy is considered to be the highest in South-Eastern Europe. The Moldova and Dobrogea provinces (in the southeast of the country, near the Black Sea) were considered the most appropriate areas for wind farm developments. The southeast of Dobrogea was ranked second in terms of potential in Europe according to specialized studies. Romanian wind potential is estimated at around 14,000 MW (14 GW) installed capacity, generating about 23 TWh. per year.

  • Romania Wind Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030 with Trends, Investments, Wholesale Electricity Price Forecast, Financial Model of 50 MW Wind Farm, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact

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    /LONDON, October 12, 2021, 10:00 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the country's solar photovoltaic sector for the next long term period 2021 ÷ 2030. Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the southeast, Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, and Moldova to the east. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate. With a total area of 238,397 square kilometres (92,046 sq mi), Romania is the 12th largest country and also the 7th most populous member state of the European Union, having almost 20 million inhabitants. The country had cumulative wind power installed capacity of 14 MW at the end of 2009. Following explosive growth only for four years between 2010 and 2014 cumulative installed capacity exceeded 2,844MW (2.84GW) by the end of 2014. Romania’s potential in wind energy is considered to be the highest in South-Eastern Europe. The Moldova and Dobrogea provinces (in the southeast of the country, near the Black Sea) were considered the most appropriate areas for wind farm developments. The southeast of Dobrogea was ranked second in terms of potential in Europe according to specialized studies. Romanian wind potential is estimated at around 14,000 MW (14 GW) installed capacity, generating about 23 TWh. per year.

  • Russia Creates State-backed Wind Energy Investment Fund with €1.4 Billion Target Amount

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    /17th July 2017, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM, RAWI, RIA/ Russian Association of the Wind Power Industry (RAWI) and Russian Investment Agency “Invest in Russia” (RIA) signed an agreement on the creation of the “Wind Energy Fund” with a target amount of funds of 100 billion RUB (€ 1.4 billion). The main goal is to invest in the creation of wind power. The term of the fund is set at 15 years with the possibility of prolongation. The investment period is not more than 7 years; the target rate of return on projects is at the level of 15%. The main feature of creating an investment fund is using the mechanism of state guarantees of return of funds. According to Russia Wind Power Market Outlook 2016 - 2025, the country has abundant oil, gas and coal production capacity backed up by enormous reserves. Still, it also has the potential to be a giant in the area of renewable energy.

  • The Rise of the European Corporate Renewable PPA Market

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    /12th June 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Worldwide, renewable energy producers are entering into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with corporate entities thanks to the falling price of renewable power. Companies from diverse geographies and industries in Europe are entering this market at a rapid pace, according to the recently published study ’Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2018 ÷ 2027’. To accelerate the deployment of renewable energy capacity, corporate energy buyers, and renewable energy suppliers have to explore the benefits and risks associated with entering the corporate PPA market. The size and frequency of deals have increased quickly in recent years, and over 14 GW of corporate renewable PPAs have been signed worldwide to date. Furthermore, corporate procurement of renewable energy is making a sizeable contribution to energy and climate objectives. In the EU, this business model has yet to live up to its potential compared to other regions of the world, particularly the US, where corporate procurement of renewable energy during 2018 represents over 8.5 GW.

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