/15th December 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Before we start, please let us remind you the fact that Renewable Market Watch™ was the pioneer which more than eight years ago published the first-ever (and subsequently proven to be completely precise) detailed analyses concerning Ukraine’s renewable energy market. Taking into consideration that the country has achieved remarkable progress in this field since then, now we have the honour of presenting you the following updated prospect that aims to define the feasible development of sustainable energy sources in Ukraine in the foreseeable future. More precisely, the present prognosis is based on thorough insight into the country’s current situation, including its strategic conception, economic condition, national energy policy, and delicate political climate. In fact, Ukraine is currently facing the difficulties of continuing to follow the chosen direction of increasing both green energy and biofuels proportion, while decreasing coal and gas power plants dependence. For this reason, our present analysis assumes Ukraine’s overall vision of a possible transformation from non-renewable conventional energy production to probable wide accomplishment of renewable energy projects. To sum up, in the following lines, we are going to introduce our point of view not only on the respective issues that Ukraine is presently dealing with, but also on the opportunities on its way to green energy transition.