  • Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar PV Market Development in Cyprus

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    /26th March 2018, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Cyprus is located at the Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea with a subtropical climate. With an area of 9,251 km² and coordinates at 35°N and 33°E, Cyprus lies at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia at the crux of the busy shipping and air routes linking the three continents. The solar irradiation in Cyprus is one of the highest in Europe with more than 320 days of the year considered sunny. Meteorological measurements showed that the annual solar irradiation is approximately 2,002 kWh/m² with a standard deviation of 32 kWh/m². According to Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS), measurements taken from crystalline PV systems with inverter efficiency 96 %, showed an average annual yield of 1,672 kWh/kWp. The rapid decline on solar PV  technology costs, the attractive efficiency increase on  PV  modules available for the residential sector and European Parliament public policies on energy to address the climate change issue have substantially increased the number of consumers that have decided to start producing energy under net metering and self-consumption solar support schemes in Cyprus.

  • Net Metering Cumulative Solar PV Capacity in Ukraine is 121 MW at the end of Q3 2018

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    /31st October 2018, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Decline in solar PV equipment costs in the past few years, the attractive efficiency increase on PV modules available for the residential sector and state support on renewable energy to address the climate change issues have substantially increased the number of consumers producing energy under net metering and self-consumption solar support schemes in Ukraine. The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) has reported that over 3,000 households have installed residential solar photovoltaic (PV) installations, which is 2.5 times more than in the same period in 2017 (1,214 households). Regarding the solar radiation, Ukraine is placed in the European zone in category “B”. Ukraine has a large potential market for solar energy projects. The size of solar radiation reaches from 800 to 1,450 W/m² per year. According to the intensity of solar radiation Ukraine can be divided into 4 regions: West, Central, South-East and South. The average amount of solar energy received annually in Ukraine is about 1,200 kWh/m2.

  • 64 Megawatt Solar Power Plant Has Been Commissioned in Ukraine

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    /29th April 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The second-largest solar project in Ukraine has been opened at the end of March 2019 in the near vicinity of the Panovtsy village in Kamianets-Podilskyi district of Khmelnytskyi Oblast by ICU and VR Capital Group, reported the Renewable Market Watch™. The solar PV power plant is a joint-venture by ICU, independent asset management, private equity and investment advisory firm specialising in Central and Eastern Europe and VR Capital Group, an alternative asset manager specializing in global emerging markets. The plant has been commissioned by Podilskenergo and represents an investment in materials and construction of approximately US$55m. The plant's peak capacity is 63.8MW and the plant will generate approximately 68,200 MW/H of clean energy per year. The electricity generated will supply one-third of all the households in Kamianets-Podilskyi city and help decrease carbon emissions by 67,000 tonnes annually. The plant is one of the largest foreign direct investment projects in Ukraine. It will assist in the nation’s transition to renewable energy, including meeting Ukraine’s pledge to, by 2030, reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent from 1990 levels following the 2015 Paris agreement.

  • 76 MWp Solar Power Plant in Kazakhstan Secured USD 42.6 million Financing Package from EBRD, GCF and CIF

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    /18th September 2020, EBRD, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is organising new financing for the construction of a 76MWp solar plant in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, a leader in the development of renewable energy in Central Asia, with a total installed solar capacity of 216MWp. The US$ 42.6 million package provided to the well-established German developer Joachim Goldbeck Holding GmbH will consist of an EBRD local currency loan of up to US$ 28 million (Kazakh tenge equivalent), a concessional loan of up to US$ 11.5 million provided by the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the world’s largest climate fund and a concessional loan of up to US$ 3.1 million provided by the Climate Investment Funds’ Clean Technology Fund (CTF). The new solar plant will help reduce annual CO2 emissions by more than 80,000 tonnes and contribute to meeting Kazakhstan’s national emission reduction targets as well as the EBRD’s Green Economy Transition strategy.

  • Albania and Bulgaria are the Newly Accepted Members of the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)

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    /BRUSSELS, May 31, 2024, 11:00 CEST, The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)/ The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) informed today on its LinkedIn profile that Albania and Bulgaria are accepted as full association members. With a main focus on supporting the energy transition for all stakeholders, AIB aims to unite the European issuing bodies of energy attribute tracking systems for all energy carriers and technologies, thereby using a decision-making structure that respects their varying identities while allowing for continuous evolution. Memberships were registered for Bulgaria’s Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA) and Albania’s Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE). Joining the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) can provide Albania and Bulgaria with several benefits regarding trading guarantees of origin (GOs) from renewable energy sources.

  • Axpo Signed PPA with Obton A/S for Klatzow Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plant in Germany with 11 MWp Capacity

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    /BERLIN, February 21, 2022, 10:00 GMT, Axpo/ Axpo has signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the Danish company Obton A/S, a leading solar energy investor in Europe, for the Klatzow solar park currently under construction in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The ten-year contract demonstrates the important role of PPAs in the expansion of renewable energies in Germany. Construction of the 11 MWp Klatzow solar park near Neubrandenburg is already underway, with commissioning planned for spring 2022.

  • BayWa r.e. has Commissioned a Solar Power Plant with Battery Storage in Villingen-Schwenningen in Baden-Württemberg Province in Germany

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    /MUNICH, June 10, 2022, 13:15 BST, PVEurope, BayWa r.e. Renewable Energy GmbH/ BayWa r.e. has commissioned a solar park with battery storage in Villingen-Schwenningen in Baden-Württemberg/Germany. The plant combination is supported by the innovation tender of the Federal Network Agency. The solar park, with a capacity of 7 MW, can generate approximately 8 million kWh of green electricity annually, which is equivalent to the consumption of 2,500 average households in Germany. The storage capacity of the 3 MW battery storage is 4 MWh. Marc Krezer, Head of Project Development PV Germany, comments on the commissioning: "We would like to thank the Villingen-Schwenningen municipality for the good cooperation and are pleased with the timely completion and commissioning of the Spitalhöfe solar park. From now on, the plant combination can feed electricity into the grid. The storage facility makes an important contribution to grid stability and security of supply."

  • BayWa r.e. has Secured €6.5 Million in Funding From the EU’s LIFE Programme to Develop Six Projects by 2027 Combining Agriculture with Solar Power Generation

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    /MUNICH, October 26, 2023, 14:30 GMT, BayWa r.e. Renewable Energy GmbH/ BayWa r.e. has secured €6.5 million in funding from the EU’s LIFE Programme, which will be used to develop six projects across five countries by 2027, combining agriculture with solar power generation. All six projects are either first or significant steps forward for their respective markets. Working closely with EU representatives, landowners, and local communities, BayWa r.e. aims to develop the commercial viability of Agri-PV and to demonstrate its benefits as an effective climate-adaptation strategy for fruit and crop cultivation in Europe. BayWa r.e. has been instrumental in proving the benefits for using Agri-PV to supplement fruit farming at scale (fruitvoltaics). As part of EU LIFE ADAPT-PV, three of these new projects, in France, Spain, and the Netherlands, aim to increase fruitvoltaic projects’ resistance to climate change by providing a combination of crop protection and generation of green solar energy, within an innovative financing model.

  • Belgium Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Capacity Exceeded 6 GW in 2020 - Trends, Investments, Forecast, COVID-19 Impact, Renewable Market Watch

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    /26th February 2021, SolarPower Europe, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Belgium recorded its best year for new installations as cumulative installed solar photovoltaic capacity exceed 10 GW at the end of 2020. A study conducted by Ecofys, suggests that Belgium could set a renewable energy target between 22,5% and 27,2%. The association recommends an objective at 25% renewables minimum. Solar photovoltaic (PV) power in Belgium had a strong performance in 2020 despite the negative health, social and economic effects of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, revealed the recent update of Europe Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook: 2021 ÷ 2030.  Each of Belgium’s three regions has its own regulatory framework for solar and renewable energy. The country has the potential to reach 18 GW of solar capacity by 2040, according to the grid operator Elia. Solar PV developments have very good prospects in Belgium as solar technology costs are going down.

  • Boost in New Solar PV Capacity Installations in Lithuania under Improved Net Metering Scheme

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    /26th February 2018, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Lithuania’s new government supports renewable energy and intends approximately 200 MW of new residential and commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity under an improved net metering scheme to be installed in Lithuania over the next three years. In Lithuania, renewable electricity generation plants with the total installed capacity of up to and including 10 kW are promoted through a sliding feed-in premium, i.e. the difference between the guaranteed tariff and the sale price for electricity generated from RES. This price shall not be lower than the average market price of the previous month. It shall be calculated according to the procedure set by the NCC (Chapter III Art. 20 Par. 2 and 14 Law on Energy from Renewable Sources).

  • Briska Gora Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant in Montenegro with Increased Capacity to 262 MW

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    /26th October 2020, Dnevne Novine, Crnogorski ekonomski, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Government of Montenegro stated that all preconditions have been created for the construction of the solar power plant "Briska Gora" on an area of ​​as much as 925.25 hectares, is twice as large as previously planned, Dnevne Novine writes. Amendments to the Spatial Development Plan in Ulcinj, Montenegro propose to increase the zone for the construction of a solar power plant from 467 hectares to 925.25 hectares. "It is proposed to increase the solar power plant's capacity from 118 MW to 262 MW". This is stated in the new government information on preparing documentation for the needs of development projects. Montenegro will need to invest in additional power generation capacity in the coming years to compensate expected decommissioning of the existing Pljevlja coal plant, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030. The country has no infrastructure for natural gas distribution and does not currently extract oil, though the government is interested in oil and gas production in the Adriatic Sea.

  • Bulgaria and Romania with Gigawatt New Capacity Additions in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power by 2024

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    /18th December 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Solar photovoltaic (PV) power in the European Union had a strong performance in 2020 despite the negative health, social and economic effects of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, revealed the recent update of Europe Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook: 2020 ÷ 2030.  The EU member states installed 18.2GW of solar power capacity in 2020, an 11% improvement over the 16.2GW deployed in the previous year, according to the recently released report EU Market Outlook for SolarPower 2020-2024 by SolarPower Europe. With minimal solar power installation activity in Bulgaria and Romania in the last few years, the prediction model of SolarPower Europe shows the up-and-coming gigawatt new solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity addition opportunities for Bulgaria and Romania by 2024. SolarPower Europe’s growth assumptions are much higher than the targets formulated by EU member states in their National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP). But with drivers for solar energy in Europe only getting stronger, the foundation is laid for further rapid growth in the coming years.

  • Bulgaria Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market: Outlook 2020 - 2030 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Forecasts, Investments, Opportunities, Analysis

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    /16th April 2021, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Development of operational solar PV power plants in Bulgaria started with very moderate steps in 2007 but progressed with fast paces after the second half of 2010. At the end of 2018 cumulative installed solar PV capacity in Bulgaria reached 1,036 MW. Several large scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a capacity above 50 MW have been announced in Bulgaria after 2018 and these projects will be built between 2021 and 2024. In the last few years, Bulgaria has been the focus of the investors’ interest. The political stability and predictability due to the NATO membership and to the EU accession, the stable economic perspective and the growing credit rating of the country and its institutions were only some of the elements attracting the investors’ interest. External investors have been attracted by rapidly developing national industry, highly skilled workforce and significant new market.

  • Bulgaria Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market: Outlook 2022 - 2031 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Forecasts, Investments, Opportunities, Analysis

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    /LONDON, May 18, 2022, 9:15 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Development of operational solar PV power plants in Bulgaria started with very moderate steps in 2007 but progressed at fast paces after the second half of 2010. At the end of 2021, Bulgaria's cumulative installed solar PV capacity reached 1,186 MW. Several large scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a capacity above 50 MW have been announced in Bulgaria after 2018, and these projects will be built between 2022 and 2024. In the last few years, Bulgaria has been the focus of the investors’ interest. Furthermore, Bulgaria quickly has to diminish its dependency on Russian energy imports, and solar power is one of the best renewable energy alternatives. 

  • Bulgaria Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market: Outlook 2023 - 2032 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Forecasts, Investments, Opportunities, Analysis

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    /LONDON, March 7, 2023, 9:30 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Development of operational solar PV power plants in Bulgaria started with very moderate steps in 2007 but progressed at fast paces after the second half of 2010. At the end of 2022, Bulgaria's cumulative installed solar PV capacity exceeded 1,500 MW (1.5 GW). Several large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a power capacity above 50 MW were launched into commercial operation in Bulgaria in 2022. Local and international investors will build new solar projects between 2023 and 2025. In the last few years, Bulgaria has been the focus of the investors’ interest. Furthermore, Bulgaria quickly has to diminish its dependency on Russian energy imports, and solar power is one of the best renewable energy alternatives. 

  • City of Innovation and Re-birth: Why the Largest Sustainable Energy Event is Coming to Berlin

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    /BERLIN, October 18, 2021, 9:30 CET, EIT InnoEnergy, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Berlin is perhaps best known for the Berlin Wall, which physically divided the city between East and West Germany for 28 years, finally coming down in late 1989. Since German reunification in 1990, the decades that followed have been defined by re-building and innovating. Of course when we announced Berlin as the location of The Business Booster 2021 we had no way of knowing that the world, and the economy along with it, would come to a screeching halt with the corona virus. However as TBB 2021 will now serve as the meeting place for innovators and industry for the first time in many months, we could not be headed to a better and more symbolic place for the re-building of Europe’s economy through innovation and sustainability. 

  • COVID-19 Impact on the Global Renewable Energy Market Report 2020 - 2025 - Scenarios, Trends, Forecasts

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    /21st April 2020, MARTIN LEE WILSON, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This is the very first objective and in-depth report, which analyzes COVID-19 (Coronavirus) impact on the global renewable energy market by 2025 with scenarios, trends and forecasts. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, the Renewable Market Watch™ has identified a series of the established and new emerging market situations that will impact renewable energy equipment supply chain, procurement, investment volume and renewable power capacity additions by 2025 worldwide. Renewable Market Watch™ has advanced proprietary own developed software and analytical tools, which are based on artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks for prediction and risk analysis with a focus to renewable energy and power market modelling. We have used these tools to create a new advanced econometric model of the global energy market by considering the recent power, oil and gas price dynamics. Renewable power projects are particularly vulnerable because China as one of the most affected companies, is a significant producer of solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbines. Do you want to know how the global renewable energy market shall be affected by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

  • COVID-19 Impact on the Global Renewable Energy Market Report 2020 - 2025 - Scenarios, Trends, Forecasts, Investments, Renewable Market Watch

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    /11th March 2021, MARTIN LEE WILSON, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This is the very first objective and in-depth report, which analyzes COVID-19 (Coronavirus) impact on the global renewable energy market by 2025 with scenarios, trends and forecasts. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, the Renewable Market Watch™ has identified a series of established and new emerging market situations that will impact renewable energy equipment supply chain, procurement, investment volume and renewable power capacity additions by 2025 worldwide. Renewable Market Watch™ has advanced proprietary own developed software and analytical tools, which are based on artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks for prediction and risk analysis with a focus to renewable energy and power market modelling. We have used these tools to create a new advanced econometric model of the global energy market by considering the recent power, oil and gas price dynamics. Renewable power projects are particularly vulnerable because China as one of the most affected companies, is a significant producer of solar photovoltaic modules and wind turbines. Do you want to know how the global renewable energy market shall be affected by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

  • Croatia Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Development in the Clean Energy Transformation Context – Insights, Political Climate, Energy Strategy, Forecast, Renewable Market Watch

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    /12th May 2021, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This decade shall be crucial for the clean energy transformation of Croatia, reveals the Renewable Market Watch™ in its report Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030. The country has considerable potential for developing solar energy and increasing energy independence. The energy transition council of Croatian President Zoran Milanović was established in 2020 and estimated the country’s solar potential to 6.8GW. However, to harness this potential effectively, Croatia will need to adopt more ambitious solar energy targets, ensure clear renewable energy investment direction in the power sector, and develop its modern electricity grid. The clean energy transition and development of the solar power sector can contribute to GDP growth and new jobs creation. Renewable Market Watch estimates that solar photovoltaic power capacity in Croatia will increase significantly in the following years compared to its current level assuming the tendered and planned large scale projects. The abundance of solar irradiation in Croatia shall enable photovoltaic energy to become an increasingly cost-competitive power generation source and attract new investments.

  • Danske Commodities signs first battery storage asset in the UK

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    /AARHUS, DENMARK, July 4, 2023, 9:30 GMT, Danske Commodities/ Energy trading company Danske Commodities announced today that it has signed a three-year optimisation agreement for the 25 MW battery storage asset, Blandford Road. The agreement marks Danske Commodities’ first battery storage customer in the UK, where the energy trader will utilise its fully automated algorithmic setup to maximise returns across wholesale and ancillary services markets. Under the agreement, Danske Commodities will provide market access, balancing and optimisation services for Blandford Road. The asset is owned by Equinor and is developed and operated by Noriker Power Limited, a British market leader in developing and operating energy assets, partly owned by Equinor (45% stake). Once operational, Blandford Road will have a capacity of 25 MW and help provide flexibility to intermittent power generation in the UK renewables market.

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