  • RWE Strengthens its Polish Renewables Business with Acquisition of Polish Developer Alpha Solar with 3 Gigawatts Solar Pipeline

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    /ESSEN, August 25, 2022, 9:30 BST, RWE/ RWE has further strengthened its European renewables business by acquiring Alpha Solar, a Polish photovoltaic (PV) development company. With this, RWE takes over a solar project pipeline in Poland with a total capacity of approx. 3 GWac. The acquisition represents a strategic enhancement for RWE and adds to its existing global development pipeline of 10 gigawatts in solar projects. It was agreed to keep confidentiality on the purchase price. The acquired pipeline is spread across Poland. The majority of projects are of utility-scale in various stages of development. The maturity of projects ranges from early phase identified opportunities to ready-to-build projects. 

  • Season's Greetings 2021 by Renewable Market Watch

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    /23rd December 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The global energy system is undergoing rapid transformation. With the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement serves as inspiration, countries, cities, and corporations worldwide continue to take meaningful action on renewable energy development. 2019 was another historic year for the global renewable power sector mix over the past year. Renewable energy sources have continued to dominate new additions to the world’s power generation over the past year. Renewable capacity reached 2,537GW globally by the end of 2019, up 176GW from the previous year. More solar PV capacities were installed globally than any other power generation technology. Solar alone saw more new capacity deployed than fossil fuels and nuclear combined. Solar added almost twice as much capacity as its renewable peer, wind power. A total of 97.08GW of grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity was installed globally in 2019, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). This led to a total global cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) power capacity of over 580GW in 2019 after the solar exceeded the 300GW mark in 2016 and the 400GW level in 2018.

  • Several European Countries Led by Germany with the Lowest Cost of Capital for Utility-Scale Solar PV Projects, According to New Data Released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

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    /LONDON, May 9, 2023, 10:00 BST, IRENA, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published a new report, 'The Cost of Financing for Renewable Power'. Validated survey and interview results for the cost of capital of renewable power generation technologies were obtained for 45 countries on six continents. A total of 172 valid survey and interview responses were elicited from 56 experts through the survey and 33 experts in semi-structured interviews. The current cost of capital ranges from 1.1% to 12%.

  • Sixth Energy Access Investment Forum of the Alliance for Rural Electrification

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    /21st July 2020, Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ In light of the transitory global situation with COVID-19 and the precautionary measures implemented by the Zambia Ministry of Health to quarantine all international travellers for 14 days, ARE has decided to postpone the 6th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum to 17-18 March 2021. EAIF is a well-established political exchange and business event organised by ARE with local and regional partners - aimed at assisting the private and public sector to get up to speed on the latest developments in the off-grid sector and do business. The ARE Forum is supported by our long-standing partner GET.invest, a European programme that mobilises renewable energy investments.

  • Skills Improvement is Necessary for the Renewable Energy Sector of CIS States

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    /11th March 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The adoption of renewable power plants (especially solar and wind) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) will lead to a significant reduction in the region’s carbon footprint while saving natural gas for future or other use. In most CIS states, energy conservation is considered one of the main ways to ensure energy security. After the USSR's disintegration, the newly independent states faced severe challenges that had suddenly emerged in the energy sector. These challenges were related to providing a sustainable power supply. One of these challenges is the lack of skills for the renewable energy industry in the CIS states. The interest of policymakers in anticipating future skill needs has grown in all countries. A better-informed look into the future is viewed as an imperative of successful policies for more dynamic renewable energy markets and prosperous economies based on clean energy targets. Renewable Market Watch™ published the report Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Wind Power Market Outlook 2019÷2028. One of the main targets of this regional analysis is identifying impediments to the improvements that can be made in skills capacity development in the CIS region. Furthermore, in this report, an attempt is made to find ways to enhance the situation to mitigate risks related to the security of energy supplies in the CIS region.

  • Slovenian Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market with Stellar Growth in 2022 and Excellent Development Opportunities by 2030

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    /LONDON, April 18, 2023, 10:30 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ By the end of 2022, Slovenia had a cumulative installed capacity of 711MW and registered an increase of 250MW compared to 2021. The country scored its best year in 2022 regarding the YoY growth in new solar PV capacity additions. The residential solar market accounted for almost all of the new capacity additions, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2023÷2032 Solar demand in Slovenia will continue as the main drivers will be prolonging the net-metering scheme extension until the end of 2023 and the energy crisis in Europe. The Ministry of Infrastructure is drafting a plan to install a new 1,000MW (1 GW) solar PV capacity in Slovenia with the support of the national transmission system operator (ELES) and the distribution system operator SODO.

  • Solar Energy Market State in Italy

    /16th January 2018, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTMItaly nowadays is among leading renewable power producers in Europe. The solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has the largest stake compared to other renewable energy technologies in Italy. Reasons behind the domination of solar PV energy in Italy are favourable geographic location of the country and Italian government support system Conto Energia for solar PV projects, which started in 2005 as a strategy to meet renewable energy targets set out in the EU Directive 2001/77/EC (European Parliament and Council of European Union 2001).

  • SolarPower Summit 2021: Driving Sustainable Change: 10 – 12 May Online

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    /5h April 2021, SolarPower Europe/ Join us for the second digital edition of the SolarPower Summit! The year 2021 is not just “any year”. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, European economies and industrial sectors have been under extreme pressure, and the lives of all Europeans have changed profoundly. The European Recovery Plan adopted by EU Member States in July 2020 aimed not only to mitigate the devastating impacts of the pandemic, but to seize a historic opportunity to revive our economies and industries, placing the fight against climate change at the heart of Europe’s future job creation and growth strategy.

  • SolarPower Summit 2022. Next Level Solar: Shining on the energy transition 31 March, Brussels

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    /BRUSSELS, March 10, 2022, 10:00 GMT, SolarPower Europe/ In a world currently facing an array of challenges from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic to a huge hike in energy prices and the looming threat of climate change, solar is coming to the fore as the solution to some of our most pressing issues.

    We know solar can, and must, significantly drive the transition to green energy. In less than ten years, solar power has transformed into the energy solution with the lowest costs and highest flexibility. Innovators are expanding the capabilities of solar technology every day. Manufacturing is making its way back to Europe. The challenge that remains: we need to be faster.

  • SolarPower Summit 2023: Get ready for solar: 8-9 March, Brussels

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    /BRUSSELS, January 12, 2023, 10:00 GMT, SolarPower Europe/ The energy crisis is on everyone’s mind. Europe is faced with choices: reinforced dependency on fossil fuels, or stronger energy security? More LNG terminals, or more solar fields? Europe must opt for the right solution to fix the energy crisis. Only solar and renewables will take us out of the energy crisis, strengthen our security, and put us on track to achieve Europe’s urgent climate goals. The energy security finish line is in sight and Europe is equipped with an EU Solar Strategy. But to implement the historic solar expansion we need, we still have hurdles to overcome.

  • SolarPower Summit 2024: Mission Solar, 4-5 March, Brussels

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    /BRUSSELS, January 19, 2024, 10:00 GMT, SolarPower Europe/ The Mission Solar sets out new frontiers: Decarbonising our energy systems, and keeping our planet habitable. Strengthening Europe’s energy supply and defending our security. Empowering citizens and democratising energy.  As we face our future, we draw on the collaboration, the technological advancement, and the political drive that can take us into new worlds. As solar meets deeper challenges this decade, the sector must cross these next frontiers as pioneers before us.

  • Spain Registered Another Great Year with 3.4 GW Installed New Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Capacity in 2020

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    /16th July 2021, UNEF/ The year 2020 was another historic year for the solar photovoltaic (PV) sector in Spain. In ground-mounted solar power plants, although installed capacity remained at 2.8 GWp and did not exceeded 4.2 GWp incorporated the previous year, it is important to underline all this new capacity was installed without any type of state aid or regulatory remuneration scheme. In the net metering and self-consumption solar PV sector, installed capacity increased by 596 MWp, a growth of 30% compared to the previous year. These numbers are showing the start of the new era for the solar photovoltaic sector in Spain in order to comply with the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) objectives for 2030. At the end of 2020, cumulative installed solar PV capacity in Spain had 12.7 GW, accounting for 6.2% of the total power generation capacity of the country, and 14% of the renewable energy sources.

  • The Romanian Ministry of Energy has Reissued Two Tenders for Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Battery Storage with a Combined Budget of €278 Million

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    /LONDON, February 8, 2024, 10:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The Ministry of Energy in Romania has announced the relaunch of a competitive call for tender for battery storage projects. The objective of the call is to put into operation a minimum of 240 MW of electricity storage in batteries, which equals 480 MWh, by June 30, 2026. The aim is to contribute to Romania's National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) objectives. The call for tender is now open until March 21, 2024. The Ministry's announcement on February 8 stated that the battery energy storage system (BESS) facilities would have a duration of two hours and would be used for the grid integration of renewable energy. The Ministry has issued a technical guide for selection criteria, which includes funding for equipment, installation, and construction of BESS.

  • The Three Seas Fund Makes its First Energy Investment in RP Global-backed renewables developer Enery Development Gmbh.

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    /26th May 2021, 3SIIF/ The Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund, invests in RP Global-backed renewables developer Enery Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund S.A. SICAV-RAIF (‘3SIIF’, ‘the Fund’) announces that it has made its first investment in the energy sector, acquiring a significant interest in Enery Development GmbH (‘Enery’), an operations-led renewable energy developer. The existing shareholders, RP Global and Enery Management, will remain invested with a long-term vision to partner for growth within the Three Seas region. The investment is due to complete following merger control approvals. Enery owns a portfolio of 85MW of operating solar generation assets in Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia and has a significant development portfolio of over 2GW in a number of Three Seas countries, including Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Solar Photovoltaic (‘PV’) generation has yet to be widely deployed in Central and Eastern Europe (‘CEE’) despite the ideal conditions with high levels of irradiation and availability of suitable land. The increasingly pressing requirement to decarbonise the CEE region is expected to present substantial opportunities for renewables investment in the near term.

  • United Energy Group (UEG) Signed а Deal to Acquire the Bulgarian Developer Green Profit with a 250 MW Solar Photovoltaic Project with a Building Permit

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    /SOFIA, April 1, 2024, 10:00 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Ms. Mila Nenova, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Investment Agency (BIA), was a special guest at the official contract signing ceremony. United Energy Group (UEG) is a Hong Kong-listed energy company with a strong focus on traditional oil and gas sectors and the development of green energy projects. Over the years, UEG has demonstrated steady growth in renewable energy initiatives, successfully building wind and solar projects in Pakistan, Iraq, Egypt, and others. UEG has recently expanded its presence in the European energy market and is currently negotiating the acquisition of renewable energy projects with a total capacity of over 1 GW. UEG's executive chairman and vice president (UEG), Leslie Zhang, attended the event.

  • United Group Еnters into Bulgarian Renewable Energy Market with an Investment of EUR 120 million in Three Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plants and One Wind Farm

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    /SOFIA, January 22, 2025, 10:00 GMT, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ By 2027, these projects will provide 160% of the electricity needed for the Group's operations in Bulgaria. They will meet 65% of the Group's total electricity demand, eliminating approximately 120,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity grid in Bulgaria each year. Together, the projects will have a total installed capacity of 124 MW and an annual generation of 310,000 MWh - enough to power over 60,000 households yearly. In addition, the initiative includes a state-of-the-art battery system capable of storing energy 1.5 times the peak output. This step is a testament to United Group's commitment to accelerating Bulgaria's transition to clean energy, paving the way for a more sustainable future across the Southeast.

  • Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Power Market Reports 2020÷2030 with Trends, Investments, Financial Model, Analysis, COVID-19-Impact

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    /5th October 2020, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ These market reports offer an incisive and reliable overview of the solar photovoltaic and wind power sectors of Western Balkan countries for the period 2020 ÷ 2030. Newly installed PV capacity and wind capacity in this region will exceed several GWs in the next 5 years. The number of fully permitted and ready to build projects is promptly increasing. The rooftop solar PV market segment in many countries is not developed and is forecasted to score significant growth soon. The small wind market segment for turbines below 500 KW in many countries is not developed and is forecasted to score significant growth soon. All the Western Balkan countries have committed to increasing their share of renewable energy by 2020 to reach between 25 and 40 percent of their energy mix, as part of their obligations under the Energy Community Treaty.  Energy demand in the region is constantly increasing, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030. Some countries have the possibility to exceed their electricity production demand needs with the support of renewable energy. Furthermore, Western Balkan countries are currently in the various EU membership joining status.

  • Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Report 2020÷2030 with Trends, Investments, Financial Model, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact

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    /5th January 2021, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ This market report offer an incisive and reliable overview of the solar photovoltaic power sector of Western Balkan countries for the period 2020 ÷ 2030. Newly installed PV capacity in this region will exceed several GWs in the next 5 years. The number of fully permitted and ready to build projects is promptly increasing. The rooftop solar PV market segment in many countries is not developed and is forecasted to score significant growth soon. All the Western Balkan countries have committed to increasing their share of renewable energy by 2020 to reach between 25 and 40 per cent of their energy mix, as part of their obligations under the Energy Community Treaty.  Energy demand in the region is constantly increasing, according to the Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030. Some countries have the possibility to exceed their electricity production demand needs with the support of renewable energy. Furthermore, Western Balkan countries are currently in various EU membership joining statuses.

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