Europe Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Market Outlook 2025 - 2034

Europe Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Market Outlook 2025 ÷ 2034 - Single User

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This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the European onshore and offshore wind power market for the period 2025 ÷ 2034...

Update: January 2025
Format: 1 file(s) (PDF report) in English language and 1 file(s) in MS Excel with data from charts and tables
Author: Renewable Market WatchTM
Pages: 234
Report production №:
Up to 24 hours by e-mail
Subscription: In the report price is included a subscription for 1 year period with up to 4 quarterly updates

  • This is a uniquely thorough and detailed market report, which offers an incisive and reliable overview of the onshore and offshore wind power sector of Europe for the next long-term period of 2025 ÷ 2034. Geographically all European countries are suitable for the production of wind energy throughout the whole year. The wind resource potential on the European countries' territory is considerable despite the large differences in the wind speed and wind density between the various countries. In Europe, 18.3 GW of new onshore and offshore wind power capacity was installed in 2023.

    More firms turn their attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, according to the study conducted between April and June 2024 by the Renewable Market Watch™ of 237 key decision-makers of European investment companies active in the onshore and offshore wind energy sector. Some 67 per cent of the interviewed managers plan to prioritise integrating ESG considerations in their wind farm projects planned for realisation between 2025 and 2028.

    Germany was the largest wind energy market in 2023, adding 3.9GW of new capacity, followed by Netherlands (2.4GW), Sweden (2GW), France (1.8GW), Finland (1.3BG) and others.  Axpo, BayWa r.e., Enel Green Power, EDP, Iberdrola, Lightsource bp, Ørsted, RWE, Siemens and Vestas, are among the key players in the market.

    The number of fully permitted and ready-to-build projects is promptly increasing. Newly onshore and offshore wind power capacity in Europe will exceed XXX GW by 2034. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, risks, current issues and prospects. You will find more than 230 pages of valuable information in this unique, in-depth analysis of the European onshore and offshore wind power market and will receive an overview of how the military conflict in Ukraine, and the European Union's decision to make a significant reduction of Russian gas and other energy commodities import will impact it.

    With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights to help investors, manufacturers and service providers in their decision-making process. As 2023 and 2024 were challenging years for the onshore and offshore wind power industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2025 and the next few years is limited. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content. Reasons to buy this market report are, but are not limited to:

    • Wind resource potential in Europe
    • Over 170 charts, maps and tables
    • Profiles of 44 countries
    • Market shares of manufacturers of wind turbines
    • Historical market data provided from 2014 to 2024 and forecasts until 2034
    • Overview of European onshore and offshore wind power market development 2014 ÷ 2034 by countries
    • Development scenario of European countries' onshore and offshore wind power market until 2034
    • Support schemes, incentives and regulatory framework
    • Database with 200+ major active and upcoming onshore and offshore wind power plants in Europe
    • Attractiveness indices and comparative analysis for onshore and offshore wind power investments in Europe
    • SWOT Analysis (detailed in 5 pages)
    • Overview of Europe's legal and regulatory framework for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) generation by countries
    • Project developers, EPC providers and Consultants in Europe
    • Key organizations and stakeholders affecting the development of the onshore and offshore wind power sector by countries
    • A comprehensive review of smart grid development in Europe
    • Investment potential and opportunities

    On the next pages, you will see the full table of contents of this report. To order this report, click "ADD TO CART". The table of contents is referential and may vary upon report updates. If you have any other questions or data requests, please do not hesitate to call us on ++44 203 807 00 79 or write an e-mail to

    1.1. Methodology 14
    1.2. Forecast Software and Methodology 16
    1.2.1. Purpose 16
    1.2.2. Description 16
    1.2.3. Input data 17
    1.2.4. Output data 17
    1.3. Limitations 18
    2.1. Primary Wind Resource Availability 19
    2.2. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Policies and Targets in Europe 19
    2.3. Risks Associated with Wind Power Projects 19
    2.4. Future Market Trends 20
    3.1. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Regulations and EU Directives Affecting European Countries 21
    3.1.1. Precedent EU Regulations 21
    3.2. Renewable Energy Mandatory Targets for European Countries set out by the European Commission (EC) 22
    3.2.1. Interim Targets Set out by the EU 22
    3.2.2. National Support Schemes Flexibility Allowed by the EU and Progress Reporting 23
    3.3. Energy Community (EC) Treaty 24
    3.4. EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies 25
    3.5. European Union Energy Roadmap 2050 28
    3.6. NATURA 2000 Network 30
    3.7. European Green Deal 31
    3.8. REPowerEU Plan 34
    4.1. General Electricity Market Information 39
    4.2. Wind Power in the Energy Sector 46
    4.3. Single Electricity Market in European Union (EU) 50
    6.1. Wind Turbines and Wind Power Plant Cost 54
    6.2. Market Overview 58
    6.3. Wind Turbine Manufacturers Market Shares 62
    6.4. Future Development Trends 63
    7.1. Support Schemes for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Generation in Europe 67
    7.2. Market Overview 68
    7.3. Future Development Trends 73
    8.1. ALBANIA 77
    8.2. AUSTRIA 80
    8.3. BELARUS 83
    8.4. BELGIUM 86
    8.6. BULGARIA 90
    8.7. CROATIA 93
    8.8. CYPRUS 96
    8.9. CZECH REPUBLIC 99
    8.10. DENMARK 102
    8.11. ESTONIA 105
    8.12. FINLAND 108
    8.13. FRANCE 113
    8.14. GEORGIA 115
    8.15. GERMANY 117
    8.16. GREECE 119
    8.17. HUNGARY 121
    8.18. ICELAND 124
    8.19. IRELAND 128
    8.20. ITALY 131
    8.21. KOSOVO 133
    8.22. LATVIA 136
    8.23. LIECHTENSTEIN 138
    8.24. LITHUANIA 140
    8.25. LUXEMBOURG 142
    8.26. NORTH MACEDONIA 145
    8.27. MALTA 147
    8.28. MOLDOVA 149
    8.29. MONTENEGRO 151
    8.30. NETHERLANDS 153
    8.31. NORWAY 156
    8.32. POLAND 158
    8.33. PORTUGAL 163
    8.34. ROMANIA 167
    8.35. RUSSIA 169
    8.36. SERBIA 171
    8.38. SLOVENIA 176
    8.39. SPAIN 179
    8.40. SWEDEN 183
    8.41. SWITZERLAND 186
    8.42. TURKEY 189
    8.43. UKRAINE 194
    8.44. UNITED KINGDOM 198
    11.1. Transmission System Operators (TSOs) 206
    11.2. Distribution System Operators (DSO’s) 210
    11.3. Grid Connection Constraints 215
    12.1. Smart Grid and Super Smart Grid Concept 216
    12.2. Smart Grid Support Initiatives in European Countries 218
    18. CONCLUSIONS 239
    20. REFERENCES 245
    21. DISCLAIMER 246

  • MAP 1: Transmission Grids System Map of Europe 39
    MAP 2: Exchange Balance of Physical Energy Flow Values in TWh in Europe and Evolution between 2023 and 2024 40
    MAP 3: Share of Renewables from Electricity Consumption in Europe, 2024 (in %) 44
    MAP 4: Wind Resource Potential of Europe 52
    MAP 5: The European Network of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for Electricity, 2024 206
    MAP 6: Map of RWE Group Operations in Europe 212
    MAP 7: Map of CEZ Group Operations in Europe 213
    MAP 8: Smart Grid Projects Map in Europe 2024 220
    MAP 9: Wind Speed Map of Europe and Central Asia at 100 m.a.g.l. 247

    Chart 1: Average Base Load Electricity Price in Selected European Countries (€/MWh): 2014 – 2034; Renewable Market WatchTM 42
    Chart 2: Forecast for RES Generation Capacity by Source Type in the EU to 2024 and 2034 (in GW) 45
    Chart 3: New Installed and Decommissioned Power Capacity by Source Type in the EU in 2024 (MW) 47
    Chart 4: Share of New Power Generation Capacities Added in the EU 27 in 2024 (MW) 48
    Chart 5: Annual Installed Power Generating Capacity (MW) and Renewable Share (in %) 2024 – 2034 in the EU 49
    Chart 6: Net Installed and Decommissioned Power Generation Capacity in the EU 27 for 2024 (in GW) 49
    Chart 7: Historical and Forecasted Utility Wind Power Plant Pricing 55
    Chart 8: Average Turn-Key Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Plant Cost in Europe 2024 (in EUR/MW); Source: RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM 57
    Chart 9: Wind Turbine Manufacturers Market Shares (in % and in MW) 62
    Chart 12: Global Installed Renewable Energy Capacity 2024 - 2034 in GW 64
    Chart 13: Global Cumulative Installed Onshore Wind Power Capacity 2014 – 2034 (in GW) 65
    Chart 14: Global Cumulative Installed Offshore Wind Power Capacity 2014 – 2034 (in GW) 66
    Chart 15: European Wind Power Capacity Segmentation (Onshore and Offshore) by Country in 2024 in % 70
    Chart 16: European Annual Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Market Forecast 2014 – 2034 (in GW), Renewable Market Watch 71
    Chart 17: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Europe 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates 74
    Chart 18: Cumulative Investment Volume Forecast in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Europe 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates 75
    Chart 19: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Albania 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM; 78
    Chart 20: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Albania 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 79
    Chart 21: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Austria 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 80
    Chart 22: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Austria 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 82
    Chart 23: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Belarus 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 84
    Chart 24: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Belarus 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 85
    Chart 25: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Belgium 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 86
    Chart 26: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Belgium 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 87
    Chart 27: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 88
    Chart 28: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 89
    Chart 29: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Bulgaria 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 91
    Chart 30: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Bulgaria 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 92
    Chart 31: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Croatia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 94
    Chart 32: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Croatia 2013 - 2033 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 95
    Chart 33: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Cyprus 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 97
    Chart 34: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Cyprus 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates 98
    Chart 35: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in the Czech Republic 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 101
    Chart 36: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in the Czech Republic 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 102
    Chart 37: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Denmark 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 104
    Chart 38: Cumulative Investment Volume Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Capacity in Denmark 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 105
    Chart 39: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Estonia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 107
    Chart 40: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Estonia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 108
    Chart 41: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Finland 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 109
    Chart 42: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Finland 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 112
    Chart 43: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in France 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 113
    Chart 44: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in France 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 114
    Chart 45: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Georgia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 115
    Chart 46: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Georgia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 116
    Chart 47: Cumulative Development Forecast Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Capacity in Germany 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 117
    Chart 48: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Germany 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 118
    Chart 49: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Greece 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 119
    Chart 50: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Greece 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 120
    Chart 51: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Hungary 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 121
    Chart 52: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Hungary 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 123
    Chart 53: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Iceland 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 126
    Chart 54: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Iceland 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 127
    Chart 55: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Ireland 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 128
    Chart 56: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Ireland 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 130
    Chart 57: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Italy 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 131
    Chart 58: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Italy 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 132
    Chart 59: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Kosovo 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 135
    Chart 60: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Kosovo 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 135
    Chart 61: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Latvia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 136
    Chart 62: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Latvia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 137
    Chart 63: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Liechtenstein 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 138
    Chart 64: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Liechtenstein 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 139
    Chart 65: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Lithuania 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 141
    Chart 66: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Lithuania 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 141
    Chart 67: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Luxembourg 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 142
    Chart 68: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Luxembourg 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 143
    Chart 69: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in North Macedonia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 146
    Chart 70: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in North Macedonia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 146
    Chart 71: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Malta 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 147
    Chart 72: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Malta 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 148
    Chart 73: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Moldova 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 149
    Chart 74: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Moldova 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 150
    Chart 75: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Montenegro 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 151
    Chart 76: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Montenegro 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 152
    Chart 77: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Netherlands 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 154
    Chart 78: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Netherlands 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 155
    Chart 79: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Norway 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 157
    Chart 80: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Norway 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 157
    Chart 81: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Poland 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 158
    Chart 82: Reference Auction Price for New Renewable Energy Power Plants in Poland ≥ 1 MW in 2021 161
    Chart 83: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Poland 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 162
    Chart 84: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Portugal 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 163
    Chart 85: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Portugal 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 165
    Chart 86: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Romania 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 167
    Chart 87: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Romania 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 168
    Chart 88: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Russia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 169
    Chart 89: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Russia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 170
    Chart 90: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Serbia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 171
    Chart 91: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Serbia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 173
    Chart 92: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Slovakia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 174
    Chart 93: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Slovakia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 176
    Chart 94: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Slovenia 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 177
    Chart 95: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Slovenia 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 179
    Chart 96: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Spain 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 180
    Chart 97: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Spain 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 182
    Chart 98: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Sweden 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 183
    Chart 99: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Sweden 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 185
    Chart 100: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Switzerland 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 186
    Chart 101: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore Wind Power Capacity in Switzerland 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 188
    Chart 102: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Turkey 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 189
    Chart 103: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Turkey 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 191
    Chart 104: The map setting out TEİAŞ’s regional limits to the electrical capacity increases for 2019 192
    Chart 105: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Ukraine 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 194
    Chart 106: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in Ukraine 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 197
    Chart 107: Cumulative Development Forecast of Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in the United Kingdom 2014 – 2034 (in GW), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 198
    Chart 108: Cumulative Investment Volume in Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity in the United Kingdom 2014 – 2034 (in Millions EUR), including estimates; Renewable Market WatchTM 201
    Chart 109: Mandatory Capacity Generation Targets for Share of Renewable Energies in the European Union (EU) Countries by 2030 204
    Chart 110: Forecast for Total Net Generation Capacity in the EU by Source Type by 2030 209
    Chart 111: Smart Grid Model Concept 217
    Chart 112: Cumulative Number of Smart Grid Projects in Selected European countries Compared to Average EU number and Budget Invested (in € million), 2014 ÷ 2024 218
    Chart 113: Cumulative Budget (in € million) of Smart Grid Projects per Smart Grid Application in Selected European countries Compared to Average EU Numbers, 2024 219

    Table 1: Wind Turbine Price Trend in 2024 56
    Table 2: Top 10 Countries by Newly Installed Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Capacity (in GW) in 2024 61
    Table 3: Support Schemes for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Generation in Europe 67
    Table 4: European Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Markets Split 2014 – 2024 (in GW), WindEurope 69
    Table 5: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Albania 78
    Table 6: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Austria 81
    Table 7: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Belarus 83
    Table 8: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Belgium 87
    Table 9: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Renewable Market WatchTM 89
    Table 10: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Bulgaria 90
    Table 11: Subsidies for Net Metering in Bulgaria 92
    Table 12: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Croatia 93
    Table 13: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Cyprus 96
    Table 14: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in the Czech Republic 100
    Table 15: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Denmark 103
    Table 16: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Estonia 106
    Table 17: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Finland 111
    Table 18: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in France; Renewable Market WatchTM 114
    Table 19: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Georgia 116
    Table 20: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Germany 118
    Table 21: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Greece 119
    Table 22: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Hungary 123
    Table 23: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Iceland 124
    Table 24: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Iceland 125
    Table 25: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Ireland 129
    Table 26: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Italy 131
    Table 27: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Kosovo 134
    Table 28: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Latvia 137
    Table 29: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Liechtenstein 139
    Table 30: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Lithuania 140
    Table 31: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Luxembourg 143
    Table 32: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in North Macedonia 145
    Table 33: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Malta 148
    Table 34: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Moldova 150
    Table 35: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Montenegro 152
    Table 36: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Netherlands 153
    Table 37: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Norway 156
    Table 38: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Poland 160
    Table 39: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Portugal 164
    Table 40: Green certificates, Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Romania 168
    Table 41: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Russia 170
    Table 42: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Serbia 172
    Table 43: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Slovakia 175
    Table 44: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Slovenia 179
    Table 45: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Spain 182
    Table 46: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Sweden; Renewable Market WatchTM 185
    Table 47: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Switzerland 187
    Table 48: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Turkey 190
    Table 49: Additional Incentives to Feed-in-tariffs for Electricity from Solar PV Sources in Turkey for Domestic Procurement 191
    Table 50: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in Ukraine 195
    Table 51: Local Content (Local Procurement) Requirements for Renewable Power Plants in Ukraine 196
    Table 52: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Wind Energy in the United Kingdom 200
    Table 53: Feed-in-tariffs and Support Schemes for Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy in Selected European Countries. Comparative Analysis 2024 202
    Table 54: Grid Connection and Access Regimes in the European Union (EU), 2024 207
    Table 55: List of TSOs in Selected European Countries, 2024 208
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