EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies
Developing a 2030 framework for EU climate and energy policies is necessary to provide certainty and reduced regulatory risk for investors and to mobilize the funding needed; to support progress towards a competitive economy and a secure energy system; and to establish the EU's 2030 ambition level for greenhouse gas emission reductions in view of a new international agreement on climate change foreseen for 2015.
The 2030 framework for climate and energy policies will build on the significant progress already made in this area. It must draw on the lessons from the current framework and identify where improvements can be made. The experience and views of stakeholders, backed up where possible with sound evidence, are essential on four broad issues: targets; other policy instruments; competiveness; and the different capacity of Member States to act.
The EU has a clear framework to steer its energy and climate policies up to 2020. This framework integrates different policy objectives such as reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, securing energy supply and supporting growth, competitiveness and jobs through a high technology, cost effective and resource efficient approach. These policy objectives are delivered by three headline targets for GHG emission reductions, renewable energy and energy savings. There are additional targets for energy used by the transport sector. In parallel, the EU has put in place a regulatory framework to drive the creation of an open, integrated and competitive single market for energy which promotes the security of energy supplies. While the EU is making good progress towards meeting the 2020 targets, creating the internal market for energy and meeting other objectives of energy policy, there is a need now to reflect on a new 2030 framework for climate and energy policies. Early agreement on the 2030 framework is important for three reasons:
First, long investment cycles mean that infrastructure funded in the near term will still be in place in 2030 and beyond and investors therefore need certainty and reduced regulatory risk.
Second, clarifying the objectives for 2030 will support progress towards a competitive economy and a secure energy system by creating more demand for efficient and low carbon technologies and spurring research, development and innovation, which can create new opportunities for jobs and growth. This in turn reduces both directly and indirectly the economic cost.
Third, while negotiations for a legally binding international agreement on climate mitigation have been difficult, an international agreement is still expected by the end of 2015. The EU will have to agree on a series of issues, including its own ambition level, in advance of this date in order to engage actively with other countries.
More information about 2030 framework you may read here: CEE & SEE Countries Solar, Wind and Biomass Market Outlooks 2013 - 2018