Renewable Energy Settlement Operator S.A. (OREO) is established in Poland. Renewable energy auction system is expected to boost Polish solar energy market in 2016.
Ministry of Economy of Poland informed on 10th October 2015 about the establishment of the Renewable Energy Settlement Operator S.A./Operatora Rozliczeń Energii Odnawialnej A.S. (OREO). This operator is a special-purpose state-owned company that will be obliged to execute settlement operations concerning renewable energy electricity generated by power plants operating according to an auction mechanism for renewable energy projects. Mr. Jarosław Bogacz was appointed for chairmen of the board of OREO. He was previously engaged with EDF Poland.
Winners in renewable energy auctions will sign contracts for difference (CfDs) with Renewable Energy Settlement Operator S.A. (OREO). Under these contracts, auction winners shall receive the difference between the final auction price and the current average electricity price on the free energy market for each MWh of generated renewable energy. In case of negative difference, energy producers shall be entitled to refund it to the settlement operator.
Renewable energy auctions in Poland will start after 1st January 2016 and are expected to boost solar PV installations in the country, trailing at the end of Q3 2015 with less than 40 MW cumulative installed capacity. Exact dates of auctions during the 2016 year are still not announced.
Geographically, Poland is suitable for photovoltaic energy production throughout the whole year, but due to the relatively large national territory, south parts of the country are more preferred ones. According to the Polish Academy of Science, the average annual sunshine duration is approximately 1,600 hours, whilst solar radiation resource on a horizontal surface is varying between 1,000 kWh/m2. and 1,160 kWh/m2, with an average of approx. 1,080 kWh/m2. The main determinants of total solar radiation in Poland are most favourable in the period of late spring - late summer. The total solar radiation's main flow is in the hours around noon, with more than 70% of the total flow registered between 9 am and 3 pm.
Some of the most suitable regions for photovoltaic installations in Poland are Krakow, Tarnow, Rzeszow and Lublin.
What are exact referential prices for solar PV power plants above 1 MW and under 1 MW in Poland? How will the auctions be organized and take place? What is market dynamics and forecast for market development to 2025? Answers to all these questions you will find out in Renewable Market Watch’s latest Q4 2015 report update after an in-depth analysis of Polish solar PV market.
More information about deal, activities and legal regulations on Polish solar market you may read here: Poland Photovoltaic Market Outlook 2015 - 2025