
Drones in Solar Power Industry big

/22nd March 2016, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Solar power industry develops with fast paces in the past decade. At the end of 2015, almost 230 GW cumulative solar PV power capacity is operational at a global level, according to the research department of RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM. This means more than 920 million solar PV modules are subject to physical wear out and need regular inspections throughout their lifespan. Considering the harsh environmental conditions faced by many solar power plants and the logistical difficulties of panel inspection, it’s clear that facility maintenance is a constant challenge for solar operations. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) - commonly known as drones - can help provide quicker, effortless and cost-effective monitoring and maintenance for even the largest solar farms. Furthermore, drones (UAVs) could perform inspection work of solar power plants safer than traditional methods. With the power and support of drones (UAVs), technology surveyors can sit back, inspect and easily find overheated or broken solar PV modules, and obtain data for actual dust pollution level over modules surface.

The global solar power plants inspection and other associated services market has been gaining momentum due to the growing solar energy capacity across the globe in its recently published report Drones in Solar Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2016 ÷ 2025. During the contractual warranty period and after warranty O&M contract and related services with the manufacturer, maintenance, inspections and repair actions have to be performed on the solar PV modules to ensure their stable condition for the uninterruptible generation of electricity. Like the other unavoidable steps when realizing a solar project like the development phase, financing process and construction phase, the operation period requires necessary maintenance and inspection actions to ensure a safe and efficient operation of each single PV module of the solar power plant.

Industry analysts of Renewable Market Watch™ used a complex array of research sources to understand better drones' role (UAVs) and their application in the solar power industry. For this reason, a unique approach was applied in the segmentation process to achieve and present a better explanation of fundamental drivers and future dynamics behind the global market of drones (UAVs) in the solar power industry. The market was divided into four main segments:

1)    Solar Power Plants Inspection;
2)    Environmental Impact Assessment of Solar Power Plants;
3)    Feasibility Analyses, On-Site Solar Power Plant Evaluations and Technical Due Diligence;
4)    Security and Surveillance of Solar Power Plants.

This first-ever made, 170+ page report of Renewable Market Watch™ analyzes global market for drones (UAVs) application in solar power industry regarding market dynamics, technology characteristics, industry structure, innovations and key industry vendors. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, Renewable Market Watch™ has identified a series of market trends that will impact this market over the coming decade.

Although the solar power plant inspection services represent the most important aspect of this market and responsible for the biggest share of revenue stream, the other associated services should not be neglected. At the end of our 10-year forecast period (in 2025), overall sales combined of both services and drone (UAV) units in the solar power industry are projected to reach a cumulative value of several billion US dollars at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 48.8 % from 2016 to 2025. This represents significant growth compared to the current market state. Clearly, visible the drones (UAVs) are projected to play an important role in the next decade's solar power industry.

With 96 charts, maps, tables and figures, together with competitive landscape of 54 key companies investigated and overview of drone (UAV) flight regulations in 44 countries in 6 world regions, the report Drones in Solar Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2016 ÷ 2025 gives you a perfect visual breakdown of this market. More information you may read and request here:

Drones in Solar Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2016 ÷ 2025

Executive Summary Brochure you may download for free from here:

Executive Summary Brochure of Drones in Solar Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2016 ÷ 2025

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