
Corporate renewable 2020 big size

/7th November 2019, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Shareholders, employees, customers and a wide range of stakeholders require corporate businesses to show a tangible, impactful commitment to renewable energy. As global energy usage and needs are re-defined by these groups, corporates are increasingly focused on reducing their environmental footprint and securing lower energy costs. Corporate PPAs enable companies to achieve their carbon emission reduction goals and are gaining momentum globally.

This brings us to launch Corporate renewables 2020 in London, March 11-12.

The size and frequency of deals have increased quickly in recent years to more complex and innovative buyer consortia, VFA and proxy swap agreements. However, in Europe, the business model for PPAs is yet to reach its potential. The total volume of corporate renewable PPAs signed in Europe in 2018 amassed to 1.9 GW while in the States it reached 8.5 GW.

Corporate Renewables 2020 is not a conference or a summit. The event delivers a series of curated networking experiences designed to help you to assess the economic viability of corporate renewable PPAs, learn about innovative deal structures and understand how they can be applicable to your company.

You’ll delve deep into European inter-connectedness and regulation, risk mitigation and creating strong partnerships between the procurer and generator. You’ll also analyse emerging contracts and financial and operational benefits these can offer corporates. The collegial discussion format that you’ll see across the event promotes transparent free-flowing discussions in an informal setting and under strict Chatham House Rules.

Walk away from the event with a clear road map for your next negotiation and valuable intel on how others are creating cost-effective, sustainable, green PPAs.

This is not a typical gathering. We’ll be operating under Chatham House rules across a series of curated learning, round table and networking experiences.

Join round table discussions with our co-chairs:

• Geoff Mackey, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Director, BASF
• Vanessa Miler, Head of Energy and Sustainability, Microsoft
• Albrecht Zimmerman, Senior Category Manager, Carlsberg
• Andor Savelkouls, Head of Energy Sourcing, EMEA, Airproducts
• Sim van der Linde, Renewable Energy Projects Director, DSM
• David Knox, Head of Energy Price Risk, BT
• Herve Noumi, Head of Energy Procurement, Vodafone

Book today and save £400 with super early bird prices.


The more information about the corporate renewable PPA market in Europe, including full contact details of renewable energy project owners, developers and corporate PPA buyers, you may read here: ’Europe Corporate Renewable PPA Market Report 2019 ÷ 2028’. You need just to ask the organizers of the event to get your promo code. Furthermore, you will receive up to 4 quarterly updates of this exceptional and unique study.

With over 165 charts, maps and tables, together with policy and support schemes overview in 44 countries, competitive landscape and corporate PPA structure development investigated, this study gives you a perfect visual breakdown of the European corporate renewable PPA market.

For a better understanding of benefits from using our reports you may read here: Benefit List - Reports of Renewable Market Watch - 2019

About Renewable Market Watch™

Renewable Market Watch™ is delivering strategic insight about emerging renewable energy markets through its experienced research team and cutting edge predictive analytics data platform. We partner with our customers to provide research, data and consulting reports in areas appropriate to their specific requirements. Our primary focus is emerging renewable energy markets of the Asia Countries, Balkan countries, Central and Eastern Europe, CIS states (former Soviet Union), LATAM countries and MENA countries. For more information about Renewable Market Watch™ please visit:

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