
Podvelezje Wind Farm Bosnia and Herzegovina big

/17th May 2020, EPBiH, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ In the Podveležje region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, works have begun in the beginning of this week on the construction of 15 wind turbines with the accompanying foundations of the "Podveležje 1" wind farm with 48MW power capacity, which officially opened the construction site, reported the Renewable Market Watch™. After the mobilization and establishment of container accommodation for the stay of the contractor's staff, drilling the ground for the placement of explosives, work began on the excavation of pits for the foundations of future wind turbines. The terrain for the future two foundations was blown up, and the works will continue with the planned dynamics in the coming weeks. In order to ensure safety during blasting, all legal measures have been taken beforehand. The contractor for the construction of the wind farm is the consortium between Croatian branch of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Ltd. and Wind Power A/S from Denmark. On the construction of foundations and execution of blasting works, engaged as domestic companies HP Investing doo Mostar and Blasting doo Sarajevo. Siemens Gamesa has signed in February 2019 a $78.4 million agreement with the Bosnian public electric utility company (EPBiH) to supply 15 wind turbines for this wind farm.

The project is located on the plateau Podveležje, about 10 km east of the City of Mostar. The expected annual production is about 130 GWh of electricity. The construction of the Wind Farm will significantly increase the share of electricity production from renewable energy sources in JP Elektroprivreda BiH. For this project, Elektroprivreda BiH signed a concession agreement with the Government of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton for a period of 30 years, stated the Communication Department of Elektroprivreda BiH.

The German Development Bank (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau - KfW) has approved to JP Elektroprivreda BiH - Sarajevo a loan to finance the construction of the wind farm Podveležje in amount of 65 million euros within framework of the cooperation between Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The repayment period is 15 years, including 3 years od grace period. Total expenses for building the wind farm Podveležje are estimated to 71,80 million euros.To that amount of the loan, Elektroprivreda BiH will add 6,8 million euros from the own funds. 

The loan was signed between bank KfW and Bosnia and Herzegovina represented by the Ministry of Finance and Treasure and the Federation BiH represented by Federation Ministry of Finance and JP Elektroprivreda BiH as the end user. In accordance with the Law on Procedures and Conclusions and Implementation of International Agreements, the loan was approved by the Parliament of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and BiH Presidency, and it will be ratified by the Parliamentary Assembly BiH. In order to intensify the project, the Governmet of the Republic of Germany through KfW previously approved to Elektroprivreda BiH grant for preparing the zero State Study of birds and bats in area of the project site of the wind farm Podveležje. 

The wind farm „Podveležje“ has been recognized as one of the project that will provide support to preservation of the environment and energy efficiency and is among strategic objectives of JP Elektroprivreda BiH and will contribute for further growth of the wind energy market of Western Balkan countries.

The more information about the wind power market in Western Balkans including full contact details of wind farm project owners and developers you may read here: Western Balkans Wind Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030

In order to downloand executive summary brochure with sample pages, please access from here: Western Balkans Wind Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030 - Sample

For better understanding about the benefits of using our reports, you may read here: Benefit List - Reports of Renewable Market Watch - 2020

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