
News & Analysis

Romania Solar PV market 2013. Clouds in the sky

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/6th June 2013, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Romania was marked as one of the most promising emerging markets for photovoltaic energy investments in 2013 amongst SEE countries and many investors from Western Europe, USA, China and South Korea started solar PV projects in the second half of 2012 and the first half of 2013. Cumulative installed PV capacity in the country according to Romania Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2013 - 2018 exceeded 250 MWp at the end of June 2013. However due to the new recent changes in law this friendly investment environment in Romania could change rapidly and lead to investors outflow. The new measures in force from 1st July 2013 will concern the whole renewable power sector and photovoltaic sector.

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Bulgaria Biomass Market 2013. First steps are taken.

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/21st March 2013, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The development of biomass and biogas electricity market in the country by the end of 2012 has been insignificant according to Bulgaria Biomass Market: Outlook 2013 - 2018. Installed cumulative capacity grew from 1.1 MWel in December 2011, to 18 MWel at the end of 2012. Electricity produced from biomass installations depending on a biomass source type in Bulgaria is purchased at a minimum €93.49/MWh (BGN 182.86/MWh) and a maximum €238.15/MWh (BGN 472.43/MWh) before the 20 % VAT.

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Turkey Photovoltaic Market 2013. Development opportunities.

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/29th March 2013, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ The energy demand of Turkey was doubled between the years 2000–2010 and is expected to fourfold between the years 2000–2025. This rapid increase in demand is due to the high economic development rate in Turkey. The biggest growth area in recent years has been natural gas imported from Russia and Iran. In 1995, 20% of Turkey’s electricity needs were generated from natural gas. Today that has increased to 44%. It is a dependence that the Turkish government would like to diminish according to Turkey Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2013 - 2018

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Romania Solar PV market 2013

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/4th April 2013, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ Romania is one of the most promising emerging markets in 2013 for photovoltaic energy investments amongst SEE countries according to Romania Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2013 - 2018 With the introduction of support mechanisms in the law in 2008 and the subsequent amendments in 2010, 2011 and 2012, Romanian photovoltaic energy market will grow in next years. Romania will need an additional 20 GW electricity generation capacity by 2035 to meet the increasing demand for electricity, de-carbonize its electricity sector, and replace ageing power generation facilities. Currently, Romania gives six green certificates per MWh for electricity produced by solar power plants. Our forecast for Romania Photovoltaic Market is moderate positive. We expect market drivers by the end of 2013 to be ....

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