
France Solar Photovoltaic PV Power Market Outlook 2024 2033 big

/LONDON, July 16, 2024, 11:30 BST, RENEWABLE MARKET WATCHTM/ France is among the best performers in Europe in the share of installed small-scale solar generation capacity (<1 MW). The French residential solar market is currently in a state of rapid growth. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including rising electricity prices, the desire for energy independence, the increasing availability of financing options, and the growing popularity of solar battery storage systems. The current cumulative installed PV capacity in France grew up from 1 GW in 2010 to over 18.7 GW at the end of 2023. French prosumers have a wide range of governmental support mechanisms that either subsidise the adoption of flexible technologies or allow for direct monetisation of their assets. Current government plans and legislative changes show firm intentions to continue the existing support and increase solar self-consumption and the number of prosumers.

In recent years, the French solar PV market has been driven by a combination of government incentives, such as feed-in tariffs and auctions, and declining costs for solar PV technology. The government has also implemented measures to simplify the permitting process for solar PV projects and promote the development of solar PV on buildings and brownfield sites.

The 2015 Energy Transition for a Green Growth law established ambitious goals for 2030, which were also affirmed in the 2019 Climate & Energy Law. These objectives have been implemented for each technology through the Multi-Annual Energy Programme (MAEP). This program sets clear trajectories and volumetric objectives for the next 10 years.

Many other measures allowing faster development of PV were recently adopted in France. A new decree was issued at the end of 2022 to modify the authorization process for ground-mounted PV projects. Now, only projects larger than 1 MW require a building permit, while smaller projects need only prior declarations, with shortened permitting processes.

A "Law on accelerating of the renewable energy production (No. 2023-175 of 10 March 2023)" was adopted to simplify procedures and shorten the deadlines for renewable energy projects, including solar power. This law allows local authorities to designate preferred and restricted areas for renewable projects. It also introduces a definition of Agrivoltaic (Agrisolar) in the energy and urban laws and allows the use of artificial areas or areas that do not present significant environmental challenges for solar PV installations. Solar photovoltaic systems can now be installed along major roads and highways, on coastal wastelands, and on parking lots.

The MAEP target for the end of 2023 was to have an operational solar PV fleet of 20.1 GW and was almost fuly met. A revised version of the initial MAEP, adopted in spring 2020, confirmed the intent to accelerate the development of a French 'solar park'. The new targets presented for 2028 range between 35.1 GW and 44 GW in cumulative capacity and position solar energy as one of the most significant contributors to the French energy transition.

Regarding the long-term strategy, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in February 2022 an objective of 120 GW of solar installations by 2050. It's important to note that in its recently published report, RTE, the French transmission system operator, studied six main scenarios to reach carbon neutrality and predicts that there will be 70 to 208 GW of solar capacity installations in 2050.

France is making impressive strides in the solar market, with most of the growth for 2023 coming from residential, commercial, and industrial segments. Thisclearly indicates that more and more people and businesses are recognizing the importance of sustainable energy solutions. By embracing solar energy, France can reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations. The French solar photovoltaic market is expected to continue growing by 2033 as the government seeks to increase the share of renewable energy in the country's energy mix.

The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique, in-depth analysis of the France photovoltaic market will receive an overview of how the military conflict in Ukraine and the European Union's decision to make a significant reduction of Russian gas and other energy commodities import will impact it. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2022 and 2023 were challenging years for the photovoltaic industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2024 and the next few years is limited. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer an opportunity for orders with customized report content. 

Reasons to buy this market report are, but are not limited to:

  1. Overview of the French political and economic environment
  2. Solar resource potential in France
  3. Financial Model and Analysis of 50 MW Photovoltaic (Solar PV) Power Plant Investment in France (IRR, WACC, Payback, NPV, Cash Flow, etc.)
  4. Over 55 charts, tables, and maps
  5. Overview of the French photovoltaic market development 2013 ÷ 2033
  6. Grid-connected photovoltaic installations
  7. Future market trends and planned photovoltaic projects for 2024 ÷ 2033
  8. Market prices of fully permitted and operational photovoltaic projects
  9. The French Legal and energy regulatory framework for renewable projects
  10. Key companies and competitive landscape in the photovoltaic sector
  11. Review of most relevant financing and supporting incentives
  12. SWOT Analysis (detailed in 5 pages)

The more information about the solar power market in France, including full contact details of solar project owners and developers, you may read here: France Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2024÷2033 

To download the executive summary brochure with sample pages, please access from here: France Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook - Sample

For a better understanding of the benefits of using our reports, you may read here: Benefit List - Reports of Renewable Market Watch - 2024

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