Excellent report outlook about Bulgarian Biomass Market! Valeri Georgiev, Senior Energy Expert, Silistra Municipality
Captures a wide spectrum of market issues about Turkish wind energy market! Nam Kim, Sales Manager, Hyundai Heavy Industries
They had very acceptable cost, provided interesting and quality content! Dr. Alexander Zachariou, Europe Profil Aluminium S.A.
The report is very interesting and will be more than useful for us! Mirela Bracau, Green Energy Unit, ProCredit Bank
This rerpot is actually quite useful snapshot of the Ukrainian biogas market! Nazir Termiov, CEO, AgroBioGas Ltd.
A well written and informative outlook which analyses difficult to forecast sector! Thomas Bergler, CEO, ISA Solar Gmbh
Many thanks for this superior analysis for Romanian Solar PV market! Matteo Trabacchin, Senior Lawyer, Grimaldi Studio Legale
I have great respect for their work. Gerhard Steindl,Managing Director,Energiewerkstatt (EWS) Consulting GMBH
Thank you very much! Good comprehensive report. Jan Schelling, Senior Technology Analyst, Statkraft Development AS
The information delivered about PV markets of SEE countries was accurate and relevant. Michael Brand,HANWHA Q-CELLS SE, Director Sales New